07 March 2013

Welcomes Submissions Worldwide: Fiction Vortex

Fiction Vortex, an on line magazine, is currently seeking submissions from authors who would like to see their short stories published. We are prone to Science Fiction and Fantasy stories and look forward to hearing from anyone who loves to write. Stories must be well written and interesting.

Each month we will have a contest and the top three stories will receive:
  • First Prize $30
  • Second Prize $20
  • Third Prize $10

Fiction Vortex only accepts speculative fiction. We want sci-fi, fantasy, horror, supernatural, alternate history, alternate realities, etc.

We want strong characters and stories that explore and explain elements of our world with the employ of the otherworldly. Answer the ordinary with the extraordinary. We want original, stand-on-their-own stories that make people use their imaginations.


Fiction Vortex is not a pulpit for preachy stories. While we want stories that address current issues and concerns in the world, we will not accept personal sermons that are vaguely veiled in narrative. This means you, Aunt Berenice. We all have opinions; for instance, we happen to think that the full Windsor knot is infinitely superior to the half Windsor, and that LOLdogs are funnier than LOLcats, but that doesn’t mean we won’t subject you to a story about the Final Battle between the LOLdogs of Windsor against the evil LOLcats of Halfwin. Actually, that sounds kind of cool. But the point is that just like some other things we all have, it’s better to keep opinions to ourselves.

We will not accept any reprinted stories. That includes stories printed on your personal or writing group sites and/or blogs, you dirty double-dipper. No poetry, either.


There really are no minimum requirements, but we aren’t interested in abstract or experimental pieces. The maximum is 7,500 words, but we prefer stories 5,000 words and under.


All stories must be submitted in the body of an email sent to submissions@fictionvortex.com. Please, no attachments. The email subject line must include the word “SUBMISSION”, all uppercase, followed by the title of your story. Don’t screw this up because the email gremlins get really angry if you do. All submissions will receive an answer within ten days of submission.

A website submission form is in the works. It’s easier to say than do, much like any of the Harry Potter spells. For now please use the email submission process.


Each month there will be a monthly prize for our top three stories of that month. See our contest rules for details. For right now we do not pay per word or per story. We hope that our prize amount and payment per word will change. Soon.
  • First Prize: 30 U.S. dollars
  • Second Prize: 20 U.S. dollars
  • Third Prize: 10 U.S. dollars

For queries/ submissions: submissions@fictionvortex.com

Website: http://www.fictionvortex.com


IMPORTANT: Do not respond to the job ad if (a) it charges fees for registration or access to listings, trainings or other materials; (b) you are redirected to dubious or domain-flipping websites; or (c) you are subjected to take lengthy unpaid tests/trial assignments or required to submit long-form samples on very specific topics or following a very specific editorial style. Help keep this job board scam-free by reporting a scam listing to contact@writejobs.info; we will then include a warning in the post.