The Toyin Falola Africa Book Award, in honor of Toyin Falola, one of Africa’s outstanding historians and intellectuals, will be given for the best book on Africa published in 2010-2011. Book submissions must be published in 2010 through June 15, 2011. The deadline for the submission of entries is June 30, 2011. The award will not automatically be given each year, but only whenever the committee decides that a book of considerable merit has been submitted. ATWS members are encouraged to enter their publications into the competition. The recipient will receive an elegant plaque, citation, and a $500 cash award.
Qualifications are:
1. Only monographs and studies will be considered. Please do not submit anthologies or edited works.
2. An individual who wishes to be considered must send a letter of application to the committee chair, Dr. Abdul Karim Bangura, The African Institution, 7532 Eighth Street, Washington, D.C. 20012 E-mail:
3. Publishers are permitted to nominate an author’s book as long as the above rules are observed.
4. An individual seeking the award is responsible for sending a copy of his/her book to each member of the committee.
Committee members are:
Dr. Abdul Karim Bangura, committee chair, The African Institution, 7532 Eighth Street, Washington, D.C. 20012. E-mail:
Dr. James T. Gire, Department of Psychology, Virginia Military Institute, Lexington, VA 24450. E-mail:
Dr. Jose Arimateia da Cruz, Department of Criminal Justice, Social and Political Science, Armstrong Atlantic State University, Savannah, GA 31419-1997. E-mail:
Dr. Ishmael Munene, Center for Education Excellence, Northern Arizona University, Flagg Staff, AZ 86011-5774. E-mail:
More information here.