27 October 2010

Call for Poetry/ Fiction Submissions: BKO (guest editor: Ngoki Chukura)

BKO is an online literary journal looking for fresh, interesting and engaging content for its new website. BKO would be grateful for your contribution; it is a site where poets, essayists, short story writers and academics can share their work on varied subjects. Those who contribute are welcome to link their contributions to any websites or blog spots where readers can gain further access to their work.

The magazine will be available as a downloadable PDF as well. The selected materials may be published on the website and / or on the PDF version of BKO.

BKO will also stream MP3 videos and sound recordings; artists are welcome to send in their recorded work for possible inclusion on the website.

BKO requests the following types of work:

• Written/ Recorded (MP3 / Video) Poetry
• Short Stories / Fiction
• Essays
• Articles
• Photography or Graphic Work

This edition / issue of BKO is not themed, so writers / poets / emcees can submit material of their own liking. We will welcome anything that may remotely relate to the "comeback" or "phoenix-effect" of this popular magazine.

Length: Creative writing / fiction / opinion pieces should not exceed 900 words. Poems should not exceed two pages in length.

Origin: BKO welcomes contribution from anyone in any part of the world.

Originality of the work:

BKO only welcomes original works. Should your work be influenced by someone, please do mention this. BKO will not be responsible for plagiarised work. All work that is plagiarised / copied / illegally acquired will be unpublished from the website and from the PDF version of the magazine. The offending artist will not be published in BKO again.

Works published elsewhere:

BKO welcomes work that has been published elsewhere, provided permission for republishing has been acquired (where necessary) from the original publisher. Such permission (if / where necessary) should accompany your submission.


Copyright of submitted materials will always belong to the author / writer. BKO can only use this material for publishing (online and PDF) and for its marketing purposes only. BKO will not sell the content / material (MP3s, video, documents) to anyone without express knowledge and agreement with the author / owner of material. The author / writer is responsible for informing anyone who wants to republish their material, that such material has already been published before in BKO. The author / writer can republish such material elsewhere, even without informing BKO.

Discretion to publish:

BKO and its editors hold the express discretion to publish or not to publish any materials submitted. The editors or owners of BKO may decide not to publish any work at their sole discretion. Such decision of the editors / owners of BKO is final and they may not offer any explanation to anyone.

If you are keen, or if you have any questions, please feel free to email and enquire. Otherwise, you can email the editor your material at ngochu_007@yahoo.com

Love, Light and a River of Stories,
Ngozi Chukura
Guest Editor

More information here.


IMPORTANT: Do not respond to the job ad if (a) it charges fees for registration or access to listings, trainings or other materials; (b) you are redirected to dubious or domain-flipping websites; or (c) you are subjected to take lengthy unpaid tests/trial assignments or required to submit long-form samples on very specific topics or following a very specific editorial style. Help keep this job board scam-free by reporting a scam listing to contact@writejobs.info; we will then include a warning in the post.