17 December 2010

81 SciFi/ Fantasy Markets that Pay at least $50 per Story

Assumption: For journals/ magazines paying on a per-word basis, we assumed that a story had 2,000 words on the average. Rates were converted to US$.

Sites are ranked based on the rates, from highest-paying to lowest-paying market. To visit the site/ see the complete guidelines, please click on the magazine/ journal title.

1. Tor.com - pays $0.25 per word

2. Cosmos Magazine - pays a flat rate of $500

3. Odyssey - pays $.20 per word

4. Heritage Tales - pays a flat rate of $250

5. Heliotrope - pays $0.1 per word

6. Clarkesworld Magazine - pays $0.1 per word

7. Futurismic - pays a flat rate of $200

8. Twelfth Planet Novella Series - pays a flat rate of $180

9. Daily Science Fiction - pays $0.08 per word

10. Alfred Hitchcock's - pays $0.08 per word

11. Wrong World - pays $0.075 per word

12. Futures - pays a flat rate of $130

13. Realms of Fantasy - pays $0.06 per word

14. Jim Baen's Universe - pays $0.06 per word

15. Asimov's Science Fiction - pays $0.06 per word

16. Grantville Gazette - pays $0.06 per word

17. Intergalactic Medicine Show - pays $0.06 per word

18. Analog Science Fiction and Fact - pays $0.06 per word

19. F & SF - pays $0.06 per word

20. AE: The Canadian Science Fiction Review - pays $0.059 per word

21. The Night Land - pays $0.055 per word

22. Fantasy Magazine - pays $0.05 per word

23. Universe Annex - pays $0.05 per word

24. Doorways Magazine - pays $0.05 per word

25. Redstone Science Fiction - pays $0.05 per word

26. Nature Futures - pays $0.05 per word

27. Lightspeed Magazine - pays $0.05 per word

28. Bull Spec - pays $0.05 per word

29. Dark Discoveries - pays $0.05 per word

30. Apex Magazine - pays $0.05 per word

31. Shock Totem - pays $0.05 per word

32. vMeme21 - pays $0.05 per word

33. Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine - pays $0.05 per word

34. Beneath Ceaseless Skies - pays $0.05 per word

35. On Spec - pays $0.05 per word

36. Illusion Presents: Transmitter - pays $0.05 per word

37. Cemetery Dance - pays $0.05 per word

38. Wee Ones - pays $0.05 per word

39. Lenox Avenue - pays $0.05 per word

40. Dark Cloud Press - pays $0.05 per word

41. Strange Horizons - pays $0.05 per word

42. GigaNotoSaurus - pays a flat rate of $100

43. Heroic Fantasy Quarterly - pays a flat rate of $100

44. Pseudopod - pays a flat rate of $100

45. Vulgata - pays a flat rate of $100

46. Podcastle - pays a flat rate of $100

47. Tetragon Science Fiction - pays a flat rate of $100

48. Ennea - pays $0.047 per word

49. Twelfth Planet Novelette Doubles - pays a flat rate of $90.97

50. New Ceres Magazine - pays $0.04 per word

51. Enchanted Conversation, The - pays $0.04 per word

52. Onirismes - pays a flat rate of $78.56

53. Abyss & Apex - pays a flat rate of $75

54. Parabola - pays a flat rate of $75

55. The Internet Review of Science Fiction - pays a flat rate of $70

56. Basement Stories - pays $0.03 per word

57. Damnation Books - pays $0.03 per word

58. Brain Harvest - pays $0.03 per word

59. Untied Shoelaces of the Mind - pays $0.03 per word

60. Vestal Review - pays $0.03 per word

61. Weird Tales - pays $0.03 per word

62. Ideomancer - pays $0.03 per word

63. Spacesuits and Sixguns - pays $0.03 per word

64. Trabuco Road - pays $0.03 per word

65. GUD Magazine - pays $0.03 per word

66. Aberrant Dreams - pays $0.03 per word

67. Black Gate - pays $0.03 per word

68. Carnifex Press - pays $0.03 per word

69. Panverse - pays a flat rate of $60

70. Big Ole Face Full of Monster - pays $0.025 per word

71. Icarus - pays a flat rate of $50

72. Nil Desperandum - pays a flat rate of $50

73. Flash Fiction Online - pays a flat rate of $50

74. Wily Writers - pays a flat rate of $50

75. Hotel Guignol - pays a flat rate of $50

76. Hub Magazine - pays a flat rate of $50

77. Edge of Propinquity, The - pays a flat rate of $50

78. I Love Cats - pays a flat rate of $50

79. AlienQ - pays a flat rate of $50

80. TQR Total Quality Reading - pays a flat rate of $50

81. Chrysalis Reader - pays a flat rate of $50


IMPORTANT: Do not respond to the job ad if (a) it charges fees for registration or access to listings, trainings or other materials; (b) you are redirected to dubious or domain-flipping websites; or (c) you are subjected to take lengthy unpaid tests/trial assignments or required to submit long-form samples on very specific topics or following a very specific editorial style. Help keep this job board scam-free by reporting a scam listing to contact@writejobs.info; we will then include a warning in the post.