18 December 2010

Apply for The Brown University International Writers Project Fellowship

Deadline: 15 February 2011


The Brown International Writers Project is currently seeking nominations and applications for its one-year fellowship with residency.The Fellowship, supported by a grant from the William H. Donner Foundation, is designed to provide sanctuary and support for established creative writers - fiction writers, playwrights, and poets - who are persecuted in their home countries or are actively prevented from pursuing free expression in their literary art.

The Fellow will be a member of a supportive community that includes faculty members and graduate students in Brown's Program in Literary Arts and the Watson Institute for International Studies, co-sponsors of the Project.

The fellowship will be accompanied by a series of lectures, readings and other events that highlight the national artistic and political culture of the writer and address the global issues of human rights and free expression. It will include a stipend, relocation funds, and health benefits. Brown will aid the writer in the visa and relocation process and provide administrative support, office space on the Brown campus in Providence, Rhode Island, and equipment.

To apply, send a letter, providing publishing history and explaining need, together with a resume, to Literary Arts, Box 1923, Brown University, Providence, RI 02912, or by email to iwp@brown.edu. Supporting letters from others would be helpful. The application/nomination deadline for the next Fellowship is February 15, 2011.

More information here.


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