02 December 2010

BBC African Performance 2011 Playwriting Competition (top prize: £1000)

Deadline: 15 January 2011

This competition is open to writers of African origin – either those born in Africa, those whose parents are African or those who are a national of an African country – over the age of 16 as at the closing date (15 January 2011). Entrants must not be employees of the BBC or BBC World Service Trust, anyone connected with the competition or their close relatives. Entrants need not be resident in an African country to be eligible.

Entrants should write a radio play of approximately 30 minutes in length which is suitable for broadcast on the BBC World Service and for publication on the BBC World Service's click website. Please read and time your play before you send it. The play should have a maximum of six central characters. It can be on any subject as long as it authentically touches the lives of Africans. Your play should be accompanied by a short synopsis of no more than 200 words, which outlines the complete story of the play.

The play must be written substantially or entirely in English. Unfortunately, we do not have the facility to offer a translation service so that any use of a language other than English must be minor and a translation note should also be included. Entries that have been translated must acknowledge this fact by giving a credit to the translator or translators.

Scripts should be typed if possible on A4 paper or handwritten neatly using one side of the paper only.

The play must be the entrants' original, unpublished work. Professional and previously published writers are eligible to enter, but this is not a requirement of entry.

The BBC will award a first, second and third prize. In addition, up to three other plays may be highly commended.

Subject to a satisfactory recording being made, the winning plays will be broadcast on BBC African Service in August 2010. No fee will be payable other than the £1000, £850, £650 or £500 sterling offered as the rights fee for two broadcast cycles. Thereafter, the BBC will be entitled to broadcasting and other rights on the terms of the applicable BBC Radio Drama contract which will be concluded with the winners.

This competition opens on 1 November 2010 and all plays must reach us in London by midnight 2400 GMT on Saturday 15 January 2011.

The names of the short listed entrants and the titles of their plays will be posted on the competition website in March 2011. Following the final decision by the judge, the winners' names and the titles of their plays will be posted on the website by April 2011. You can access the competition website by visiting click http://www.bbcworldservice.com/African Performance.

The winning plays will be recorded between March and May 2011.

The Promoter: The BBC World Service of Bush House, 76 Strand, London WC2B 4PH
How to Enter

You can enter the competition by using one of the following methods:

1) Download the entry form from bbcworldservice.com/africanperformance*

2) Email your script and the entry form to african.performance@bbc.co.uk

3) Post your script and the entry form to BBC African Performance, PO Box 76, Bush House, London UK

4) Fax your script and the entry form to +44 20 7379 5683

More information here.


IMPORTANT: Do not respond to the job ad if (a) it charges fees for registration or access to listings, trainings or other materials; (b) you are redirected to dubious or domain-flipping websites; or (c) you are subjected to take lengthy unpaid tests/trial assignments or required to submit long-form samples on very specific topics or following a very specific editorial style. Help keep this job board scam-free by reporting a scam listing to contact@writejobs.info; we will then include a warning in the post.