11 December 2010

Call for Authors: Savvy | Art . Contemporary . African (Re-) Mapping the Field: a Bird’s Eye View on Discourses

Deadline: 16 January 2011

Call for Contributions for the bilingual art journal:

savvy | art.contemporary.african.
savvy | kunst.zeitgenössisch.afrikanisch.

Edition 0 of savvy | art.contemporary.african. and the storm of readers' affirmation confirmed the need for a sincere and independent criticism, as well as the majuscular cleft this journal is meant to bridge. The inaugural edition brought together instigations and directions as to “where do we go from here”, which provokes an inquiry into the status quo and thus the title of the subsequent edition. Edition 1 of savvy | art.contemporary.african. is dedicated to the theme “(Re-) Mapping the field: a bird’s eye view on discourses”. This edition will give an overview on the current academic discourses, aims at renegotiating and reflecting on terminologies, spaces, concepts and contexts at stake in the field of contemporary African art.

While the discourse on contemporary African art has undergone great changes in the last decades, with respect to the ways of perception and the rules of presenting or the tradition of talking about contemporary African art, the impact of the critiques in this field on a broader public still has to be investigated. The young but manifold schools of thought and critiques, their circumstances and consequences in both the academia and non-academia and the influences in subsequent practices will be elaborated in this edition. I.e. edition 1 will step back and take stock on, as well as (re-) map the field.

It is not by chance that this journal strides with huge steps - online and free - to reach as many readers as possible in this internet age in order to achieve the aim of this journal, which is to revitalise an open and academic discourse on contemporary artistic positions, movements and projects related to Africa and its diaspora.

We invite authors to send contributions related to the theme “(Re-) Mapping the field: a bird’s eye view on discourses”.

The articles should have a maximum length of 3500 words and be written in English. German authors are asked to send their articles in German and English.

The deadline for submission is January 16th 2011.

E-Mail: editorial@savvy-journal.com

More information here.


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