28 January 2011

Call for Poetry on African Diasporic Traditions: Mandragora Anthology (Scarlet Imprint)

Deadline: 31 October 2011

Following the success of Datura: An Anthology of Esoteric Poesis, Scarlet Imprint, talismanic publisher of fine editions for the contemporary occult community, is pleased to announce plans for a second collection of esoteric poetry, to be titled Mandragora.

We are currently fielding poetry submissions from the global occult, magical and pagan communities for this work. Continuing in the same luminous, bejeweled tradition of excellence found in Datura, this new anthology will likewise combine a sampling of the best poetic work available from contemporary practitioners, as well as additional essays about the practice/performance of poetry, the role of poetry in devotional and ritual work, and the artistic culture of magic.

Our focus is on work that is ecstatic, fresh, well-crafted, and cuts to the heart of the savage beauty that runs beneath the surface of the observable world. Divine inspiration is unquestionably something we are looking for, but preferably with the acknowledgment that just because something came down directly from the aether of limitless potential, does not mean that it cannot be revised - to be honed and burnished until it shines like the star it was meant to be.

Work from a wide range of traditions/practices will be considered - Witchcraft, Magick, Hermeticism, Reconstructionist and Traditionalist Paganism, Thelema, Gnosticism, African Diasporic traditions, Shamanism, Folk practice, Rootwork, etc.

As evidenced in Datura, we are looking for ecstatic verse, praise poems, hymns, paeans, prayers, and free verse. We seek work that is experiential, expository, and raw. Work that penetrates the soul and worries it with its honeyed teeth. We want the best - shattering imagery, unhindered emotion, exquisite word-choice and keen attention to sound and rhythm. We are open to rhymed and form poetry if it is stellar. Longer poems will be considered, but we are looking primarily for a maximum of 50-60 lines. Work can be submitted in languages other than English, but must be accompanied by an English translation. Original work only - please do not submit translations or any other copies/editions/pieces of other people's work.

Submissions will be read and selected by collection editor Ruby Sara. To submit work to this project, please send 3-5 pieces of your best work along with a cover letter via email to Ruby Sara at figsandhoney@gmail.com. Simultaneous submissions and previously published work will be considered - please include information of this nature in your cover letter. If you are interested in writing an essay for the collection, please contact Ruby Sara with a topic proposal.

The deadline for submissions is October 31, 2011.

More information here.


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