05 January 2011

Call for Submissions: Edited Volume - Internet Use and Africa

I am putting together an edited volume on Internet Use and Africa. Some of the focus areas include social, political, cultural, digital culture:

* electronic commerce
* law
* politics and governance
* gender
* the internet
* race
* art
* health and medicine
* education

I would like to extend a personal invitation to anyone working in this area to consider contributing to this project. I understand that we are still at the proposal stage to be send to a major publisher in the USA. Thus, it would really help if you can send me a one paragraph summation of your potential contribution idea along with your brief bio sketch and
contact e-mail. Furthermore, I will appreciate it if you would forward this note to other colleagues who may be interested. Please copy any message to an alternate e-mail: Bolaz@yahoo.com.

Bola Olaniran
Texas Tech University

More information here.


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