31 January 2011

Consultant Wanted: Literature Review of the African Diaspora in the UK

Deadline: 14 February 2011

Comic Relief is inviting tenders from interested parties to undertake a review of the literature on the African Diaspora based in the UK and their role in international development.

Expressions of interest should be sent to: Rupal Mistry at r.mistry@comicrelief.com no later than 14 February 2010.

Purpose and Objective

The primary objective of this consultancy is to provide Comic Relief with a detailed picture of the research undertaken and literature published to date on the African Diaspora in the UK and their role in international development in sub-Saharan Africa.

This consultancy will enable Comic Relief to build a picture of the international development activities of the African Diaspora in the UK and will feed into other elements of the Common Ground Initiative, in particular the communications and advocacy and influencing work. It is intended that this work will form the first phase of a longer study and will provide the basis for the commissioning of a series of more focused studies.


The work will be desk based. The consultant will review research and latest evidence from academic, political and non-government sectors, synthesise and critique the findings, and highlight areas requiring further investigation. It is also suggested that the consultant hold short interviews with key informants to build up an understanding of the anecdotal evidence within the sector of the role played by the UK based African Diaspora in international development.

Areas to be explored through the literature review:

* The different ways in which the African Diaspora in the UK are organised, grouped, clustered or networked and whether or not there are any similarities in approaches to development based on typology
* The kind of development related activities African Diaspora in the UK are engaged in - thematic areas of implementation, e.g. remittance, business, service delivery (health, education etc), and the different approaches being used
* The scale of this activity – local or community based, district, national, and specific regions across the continent
* The ways in which they are working with communities in Africa – the types of relationships they build
* The level of engagement that the African Diaspora in the UK groups or individuals have with other stakeholders, communities in the UK and Africa, other NGO’s, governments, policymakers
* Examples of best international practice – in terms of relationships, activities, governance
* The level of interest, engagement and support of politicians and policymakers in relation to the “Diaspora and Development” agenda
* Any specific policy- level changes (both in the UK and in Africa) driven by the African Diaspora based in the UK
* The type of funding that UK based Diaspora entities have accessed


A detailed literature review report (maximum 30 pages, plus executive summary and annexes) structured as:

* Executive summary of key findings and recommendations
* Methodology
* Key Findings –in relation to areas to be explored, what is known, ongoing research and donor initiatives
* What don't we know: information and research gaps, differences of opinion/ current debates
* Implications for Comic Relief and its stakeholders
* Conclusions and recommendations – summary of findings, suggested further actions for donors, practitioners and researchers
* Appendices – List of articles and reports reviewed

The Consultant should submit the final report in both hard copy and electronic versions.


The consultancy will take place between March and May 2011. The draft report should be received by Comic Relief within 30 working days of the commencement of the consultancy with an additional month to receive comments and finalise the report.

Required qualifications and skills

Contractors would need to have:

* Ideally a postgraduate level qualification in relevant discipline
* An understanding of migration and international development
* Experience of working with BME communities in the UK
* Good analytical skills and attention to detail
* Ability to communicate effectively in English, both verbally and in writing

Comic Relief is committed to diversity in all of our contracts and tenders. The successful contractor will be expected to uphold the principles of respect and open engagement throughout their work with us.

More information here.


IMPORTANT: Do not respond to the job ad if (a) it charges fees for registration or access to listings, trainings or other materials; (b) you are redirected to dubious or domain-flipping websites; or (c) you are subjected to take lengthy unpaid tests/trial assignments or required to submit long-form samples on very specific topics or following a very specific editorial style. Help keep this job board scam-free by reporting a scam listing to contact@writejobs.info; we will then include a warning in the post.