04 January 2011

Georgetown CCAS Arabic Language Program Scholarship at Qatar University (for US Citizens)

Deadline: 31 January 2011

Qatar Scholarship Program

The Qatar Scholarship Program offers dedicated Arabic language students from the United States the opportunity to master their skills in an intensive Arabic language program at Qatar University (QU) in Doha for an entire academic year (September to June). The scholarship includes tuition, room and board in university dorms, round-trip airfare, local transportation, and books.

This program is designed for those who have already developed their Arabic at the intermediate and advanced levels. Students passing a proficiency exam at QU will also have the opportunity to audit regular undergraduate courses taught in Arabic in an array of subjects. This is a non-degree program; however, students will receive a certificate upon completion of the academic year and academic credit will be awarded.

The Department of Arabic for Non-Native Speakers at Qatar University has a number of specialized instructors who have extensive experience teaching Arabic to non-native speakers. Written and spoken Modern Standard Arabic are offered. The curriculum includes: reading, composition, phonetics, Arabic literature in the modern period, the Qur'an, Hadith, schools of poetry, rhetoric, Arabic grammar, semantics, and methods of teaching Arabic for non-native speakers.

For more information about the Arabic for Non-Native Speakers Program at Qatar University, please click here.

Eligibility Requirements

All students applying to the Qatar Scholarship Program must meet the following requirements. If you do not meet all of these requirements, your application will not be considered for the scholarship.

1. U.S. citizen or permanent resident.
2. Between 18 and 40 years old
3. Recently completed a Bachelor's or Master's degree by the beginning of the program
4. Minimum of two years of formal Arabic study and be at the intermediate level of Arabic language study by the beginning of the program
5. Demonstrate interest in the Arabic language and continued language study

The Application

All application materials must be postmarked by January 31, 2011. Materials postmarked after this date will not be accepted.

The application packet for the 2011-2012 Qatar Scholarship Program is available in PDF format. Please click here to access the packet.

Be sure to read the application instructions carefully and include the following materials in your application.

* Application Form
* Transcripts

Transcripts must be official and up-to-date. Please provide transcripts from all academic institutions, language programs and study abroad programs that you have attended.

* Recommendation Forms and/or Letters

One letter must be from a recent Arabic instructor. Both letters should be in sealed, signed envelopes and postmarked no later than January 31, 2011.

* Resume/CV
* Statement of Purpose (750 words)

Please describe how the Qatar Scholarship Program fulfills your immediate and long-term academic and professional goals.

Please do not include any other materials with your application; they will not be reviewed. Please send the application to the following address:

Qatar Scholarship Program
Georgetown University
Center for Contemporary Arab Studies
ICC 241
37th and O Streets, NW
Washington DC 20057

The Selection Process

Applications will be reviewed by a selection committee composed of specialists in the Arabic language and the Middle East.

After the selection committee has completed the review of all eligible applications, all candidates will be notified of their status via email. The top 10-15 candidates will be asked to participate in a brief phone interview with the selection committee. The interview will be conducted primarily in English with the possibility of a brief section in Arabic.

Contact Us

Qatar Scholarship Program
Center for Contemporary Arab Studies
Georgetown University
ICC 241
37th and O Streets, NW
Washington, DC 20057-1020

More information here.


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