15 February 2011

Call for Articles: USA and the Greater Middle East Relations (special issue of The Journal of History Studies)

Deadline: 1 September 2011



The Journal of History Studies, an internationally refereed printed and electronic journal, will release a special issue on USA and Greater Middle East relations in October 2011. This special issue will be co-edited by Prof. Dr. Ali Arslan, at Istanbul University and Prof. Dr. Christopher Miller at University of Texas-Pan American.

The Greater Middle East, broadly defined as an area that stretches from North Africa in the west to the Caucasus and Pakistan in the east, has been a cradle of many civilizations and religions. Throughout history the cultural and material wealth of the region has attracted much outside interest and both direct and indirect interaction with it. No super power has been able to ignore the Greater Middle East either because of its strategic locations, vibrant markets, or natural resources.

The U.S. involvement in the Greater Middle East goes back to the late eighteenth century. From the pirates of Algeria to American missionary schools and oil companies, American activism in the region has played a crucial role especially in the last century. In order to comprehend the recent history of this distinguished area and its relationship with the last superpower, History Studies will release a special issue on USA and Greater Middle East relations.

Historians, historical geographers, sociologists, anthropologists as well as political scientists are welcome to submit papers. This special issue will be available both in print and electronic versions. We welcome submissions about any subject related to the USA and the Greater Middle East relations.

Deadline to submit papers: September 1, 2011.

English articles submitted for this special issue should be between 4,000 to 10,000 words.

Possible subjects may include but are not limited to:

- U.S. missions or missionary schools in the Greater Middle East,
- U.S. trade relationship in the Greater Middle East,
- U.S. role in the regional conflicts such as Arab-Israeli conflict and the Suez Crisis,
- U.S. involvement in the extraction/utilization of natural resources,
- U.S. strategies and influence in the region,
- Local, national and religous reactions to the U.S. in the region,
- U.S. diplomatic relations with any one or any group of nations/peoples,
- U.S. role in the domestic politics of regional countries,
- U.S. press coverage on the region,
- Middle East press coverage on the USA,
- Orientalism studies in the USA,

How to Submit

All articles can be submitted and tracked online at www.historystudies.net

A free membership to HS website is required to submit research articles for publication,

In order to become a member click on the “submit manuscript” link on the main page, www.historystudies.net

Select your language from the drop down menu, and then click on the new member link,

Create a username (your email) and a password,

Follow the guidelines and fill in your information,

Once your membership is approved by the editor, you can submit your articles from the same “submit manuscript” section using your username (your email address) and password,

Please feel free to submit your manuscripts for review and for possible inclusion in a future issue of the HS.

Dr. Assoc. Prof. Osman KOSE
Editor-in-Chief of HS
Ondokuz Mayis University
Faculty of Education
Samsun / Turkey
Tel: +90 542 641 87 97
Web: www.historystudies.net
E-mail: history.studies@yahoo.com

More information here.


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