21 February 2011

Call for Submissions: Saraba Literary Magazine Issue 8 (Nigeria/ Africa-wide)

Deadline: 1 March 2011

The Fashion Issue

To interrogate fashion and what is fashionable, we are publishing #8 of Saraba. As usual, our concerns are beyond the superficial details of everyday life. We are asking previously unasked questions, contemplating questions about art and life that may remain unasked were we silent.

There is so much to write about ‘Fashion’ that it is impossible to make a list. So we ask you to draw the line yourself.

Send us work that interrogates fashion in ways that we wouldn’t have contemplated – let this be as much about dress as it is about life.

See an example in Suzanne Ushie’s “The Serious Guide to Becoming a Seriously Unfashionable Writer.”

We’ll accept entries until 1st of March 2011. If you’ll feel better, let us into your head before you submit.

Please use our Submission Manager.


Entries are received only for the e-magazine and chapbooks. Our site is improved continually to represent and reflect the best of emerging writing from Nigeria, Africa and the world. Interested contributors should read the following guidelines carefully.

Saraba’s staff is a small number of committed and enthusiastic but busy professionals. As such, entries that do not conform to these guidelines would not be considered. Our goal is to give emerging writers a voice and confidence, to give them the opportunity of having their works published.

For the magazine, we would, from the June Issue, publish content in two ‘portfolios.’ The first portfolio would be theme-based. Please see our themes for the year. We would publish, also, content of a general literary nature, but this portfolio would be smaller in size than the first.

Please send your work in an attachment in any of our three major categories: Fiction, Poetry and Non-Fiction. Send no more than one work at a time, and wait for our response before you send another. Word count for fiction works is 5,000, except otherwise announced. We’d accept no more than 3 poems at a time. For Non-fiction, we expect a broad range of new creative writing, including short memoirs, interviews, reviews, creative non-fiction, creative journalism, etc. Word count for this is 2,500.

We are also open to digital art including photographs, illustrations, paintings and so forth. Please send in high resolution jpeg files (not larger than 4 MB).

Please send alongside a bio of not more than 50 words (in third person).

Unsolicited poetry would not be considered for the chapbooks. If interested, please send a query and we would reply accordingly. Poems submitted would be generally considered for the magazine, on either of the portfolios.

Although we strive to highlight the talent and hard work of contributors, please note that we cannot afford to pay contributors.

Our new Submission Manager is helpful, cutting out all the email uncertainty. Please submit here: http://saraba.submishmash.com/

More information here.


IMPORTANT: Do not respond to the job ad if (a) it charges fees for registration or access to listings, trainings or other materials; (b) you are redirected to dubious or domain-flipping websites; or (c) you are subjected to take lengthy unpaid tests/trial assignments or required to submit long-form samples on very specific topics or following a very specific editorial style. Help keep this job board scam-free by reporting a scam listing to contact@writejobs.info; we will then include a warning in the post.