20 February 2011

From the US Embassy of Algeria - Call for Applicants: IWP Below the Lines Writing Program

Deadline: 5 March 2011


What is the BTL writing contest?

Between the Lines invites young aspiring writers from Arabic speaking countries in the Middle East and North Africa between the ages of 16-19 to the University of Iowa to spend two weeks honing their creative writing skills and interacting with American students of the same age range. The international students will be accompanied by adult chaperones. The summer session of Between the Lines (BTL) will take place July 10-25, 2011. During the two-week BTL program, students will take classes in English with their American counterparts. They will also participate in writing workshop (in Arabic) with BTL faculty. Chaperones will enroll in a week-long Iowa Summer Writing Festival course (in English) that will also include American teachers.

Who can apply?


 Must be between the ages of 16 and 19 as of July 10, 2011.
 Must be Proficient in Arabic and English (reading, writing, and speaking).

The ideal candidates should be able to:

 Demonstrate an interest in and ability to write creatively (prose and/or poetry in both Arabic and English)
 Fully engage their imaginations in a variety of class settings
 Confidently work alongside other BTL students in Arabic-language classes as well as American students in English-language classes Each applicant must provide the following:  7-8 pages of prose and/or poetry written in Arabic  7-8 pages of prose and/or poetry written in English  A one-paragraph personal statement (in English) describing why they are interested in participating in BTL.  Copies of passport information pages valid at least 6 months after the program ends.


 Must be between the ages of 25 and 40 as of July 10, 2011
 Must be Proficient in Arabic and English (reading, writing, and speaking)
 Must be Reliable, mature, and willing and able to take on the dual responsibilities of their own program and the overall duties of overseeing the students.

The ideal candidate should be:

 A teacher who is interested in creative writing and has not had a previous exposure to the U.S.
 Willing to assist BTL faculty and IWP staff with projects related to promoting creative writing and the teaching of creative writing in the Middle East
 Able to serve as Arabic-speaking liaison between the BTL students and English-speaking students and staff at the University of Iowa
 Able to fully participate in a formal English language program on creative writing teaching methods
 Able to Demonstrate experience working with young people, particularly teens. Each applicant must provide the following:
 A resume/CV (in English)  A brief statement of purpose describing his/her goals for the program and how his/her participation can benefit the program (in English).  Copies of passport information pages valid at least 6 months after the program ends (if available).

How do I apply?

 Applications to be submitted electronically at amarouayechei@state.gov
 Deadline to submit applications is March 5th, 2011. Due to large number of applicants, we will only reply to those short-listed for first stage interviews.


 Will be invited for an interview at the embassy
 Must bring a

More information here.


IMPORTANT: Do not respond to the job ad if (a) it charges fees for registration or access to listings, trainings or other materials; (b) you are redirected to dubious or domain-flipping websites; or (c) you are subjected to take lengthy unpaid tests/trial assignments or required to submit long-form samples on very specific topics or following a very specific editorial style. Help keep this job board scam-free by reporting a scam listing to contact@writejobs.info; we will then include a warning in the post.