10 February 2011

Travel Junkie.com Seeks Travelogues from Africa (rate: EUR10 per article)

What We Look For

You want to write a travel article for us, but you’re not really sure, what we look for? Below you find a short selection of topics we might be interested in:

* Travelogues from far-off-the-beaten-track countries, like Afghanistan, North Korea or Congo
* Articles about activities like sky diving, diving (apnoe & scuba) or paintball
* Travel advice and information about various countries
* Experimental travel (e.g. no bags, no accomodation)
* Trekking guides for various countries
* People images
* Traditional festivals from around the world
* Volunteering around the globe
* Pre-trip planning & post-trip depressions :)
* Full-time travel

You can always pitch your idea to us. We will let you know if we are interested!

We pay 10 EUR for each published user-submitted article and 3 EUR for an image post. Write more, travel longer.

Article Submission Guidelines

There really isn’t much to it. You should be able to write well and/or take great pictures. Basically there are two types of posts we are looking for.

Full Article

This is your normal blog post, mixed text and images. There are many travel blogs out there that bring a varied mix of articles. You can find anything from ‘The Top Ten Tips To Travel Light’ to ‘A Small Guide To Spirituality In India’. Obviously these kinds of posts do have their place in the blogosphere, but it’s not really what we’re looking for. We like to publish stuff that we’d like to read and experience ourselves. So something like ‘Crossing The Kyber Pass Into Afghanistan’ or ‘North Korean Travel Experiences’ would be right up our alley. Saying this, we won’t say no to a well written, funny or provoking article that falls into the above mentioned categories. You can always try and pitch us your idea as well. At the moment we pay 10 EUR via PayPal for any published article. The length should not exceed 1200 words.

Image Post

This is exactly what it says. One image and a short paragraph or two about it. The image should show something unique. So rather than an image of a beach, one showing a person would have better chances. The going rate for an image post is 3 EUR at the moment. The word count should be between 30 and 100.

Formating Guide (see here)


Now we come to the juicy details. We always pay on the 5th of the following month (10 EUR for an article and 3 EUR for an image post). Here the important date is the publishing date, not the submission date. Sometimes we will keep articles back, even though they have been approved already. This mainly happens when too many articles are in the works already.

At the moment we can only use PayPal, so you will need to have an account there to accept payment. We don’t do checks, cash or money transfers. Later we might accept other payment options, but for now it’s only PayPal.


By submitting any type of content to Travel-Junkie you declare that you hold the copyright to all images and text. You also consent that you will not publish the submitted content any place else. Your copyright is in no way affected by this. Should we find you in violation of these rules, then we will suspend your account on Travel-Junkie. If you are in any way concerned about how you can use our content, then please contact us.

Submit your article here.


IMPORTANT: Do not respond to the job ad if (a) it charges fees for registration or access to listings, trainings or other materials; (b) you are redirected to dubious or domain-flipping websites; or (c) you are subjected to take lengthy unpaid tests/trial assignments or required to submit long-form samples on very specific topics or following a very specific editorial style. Help keep this job board scam-free by reporting a scam listing to contact@writejobs.info; we will then include a warning in the post.