01 February 2011

Writing for Race, Poverty & Environment Journal (for US communities of color, pays $100-$150 per article)

Deadline: 20 February 2011

In 2011 Race, Poverty & the Environment (RP&E) is launching print-web-radio collaborations with other news outlets with production facilities in the Bay area. We will be utilizing radio journalists and print journalists to create cross platform coverage of stories on topics such as: low-wage immigrant workers in the restaurant and salon industries; transit oriented development and gentrification around planned projects such as the Lake-Merritt Chinatown BART station; an analysis of economic development projects utilizing and respecting the racial and cultural heritage of communities in Richmond and Oakland; and the historical and contemporary role of Redevelopment Agencies (RDAs) in light of the California state budget proposals to end RDAs now under consideration in Sacramento.

Some of these stories will be initiated by print journalists, others by radio producers. The final production will include a print, web and radio component including over-the-air broadcasts and web podcasts in addition to hard copy delivered via the journal and web presentation of the text and images.


Assignments are made on a rolling basis approximately 4 weeks after assignment date. For the "Spring 2011" issue, the assignments process begins January 15 and close on Feb 20 with a text deadline of March 21. For "Fall 2011" the assignments process begins June 21, 2011.

Articles are assigned and accepted on a continuing basis so the earlier a query or article proposal is submitted the better change it has of acceptance


Race, Poverty and the Environment (RP&E) is looking for articles that take a forward look at key movement organizing efforts for: environmental justice, climate justice, transportation justice, racial justice, gender justice as well as place and regionalism. We are seeking writers, photographers and radio producers for ongoing relationships from around the country for key beats. Organizing among low-income people and in communities of color is, as always, the key focus.


We will be maintaining our focus on metropolitan areas (broadly defined) inside the United States, with perhaps a case study or two reflecting best practices internationally. We want to include some macro analysis that looks at the global economic system and envisions alternatives to the current order. We also will continue to cover our core interests in: transportation, jobs, housing, environmental health, and land use. This issue we will also have a special focus on “Women and Work” and incorporating gender justice in the analysis and reporting.


Since RP&E publishes in print 2 times a year we seek to anticipate upcoming events, major convenings, elections, etc. with stories pegged to the current events but which will remain relevant and continue to interest and inform readers on a long term basis.


We are looking for articles that examine the impacts and organizing around our key themes, locally and nationally. We are also particularly looking for articles that detail successful strategies to build power in communities of color for low-income people in the face of climate change and capitalism.


We also accept audio submissions in .wav and .mp3 format for podcast and broadcast use on Radio RP&E. Please get in touch with the editor for more details.

We accept articles ranging from 500-2000 words. We accept short profiles (word lengths of 500), case studies (1000 words), and analysis and reviews of movements and national trends (1500 - 2000 words).


In general we prefer articles that include quotations from participants in addition to citations and quotations from experts. Our readership is extremely diverse, from grassroots activists to academics to progressive policymakers and we seek articles that are readable, accessible and useful for at least two out three of these groups. For recent examples, please view previous RP&E issues online at http://urbanhabitat.org/rpe.


We can offer honorariums to authors or sponsoring organizations for writing and photography. Honorariums range from $50-$250 but typically are between $100 and $150. We usually distribute the text of the articles under a "creative commons" license where writers get credit and their work can't be changed, but ask people to request specific permission for photos. The copyright remains with the creator. We prefer original work but also accept reprints and adaptations of previously published material.

We can offer modest honorariums for writing and photography payable to either the author(s) or to a sponsoring non-profit or community organization.


Please include: approximate word count, proposed article title, author byline, a brief biography of the author(s) and related credits. We prefer numbered endnotes in the following order: Author Last Name, First Name. “Article Title.” Journal/Book Title. Year of Publication, Volume, Issue, Page Number.

We can accept .doc rtf or plain text files. (NOT.docx) We don’t accept paper submissions accept by advance arrangement. If the submission is in “Word” we prefer single spaced documents with paragraph spacing set to one line; single space between sentences; one carriage return between paragraphs.


All information above is subject to change. Please write to B. Jesse Clarke editor@urbanhabitat.org for additional details or to submit queries, proposals, outlines or complete articles.

More information here.


IMPORTANT: Do not respond to the job ad if (a) it charges fees for registration or access to listings, trainings or other materials; (b) you are redirected to dubious or domain-flipping websites; or (c) you are subjected to take lengthy unpaid tests/trial assignments or required to submit long-form samples on very specific topics or following a very specific editorial style. Help keep this job board scam-free by reporting a scam listing to contact@writejobs.info; we will then include a warning in the post.