14 March 2011

Call for Papers - Book Project: Contemporary Issues in Africa

Deadline: 30 June 2011

Contemporary Issues in Africa

Editor: Professor Richard A. Olaniyan

Contemporary Issues in Africa is a 19-chapter book project that discusses contemporary problems in Africa and the contemporary forms of not-too-contemporary problems. So far, fourteen chapter contributions have been made. Contributors are sought for the underlisted chapters.

1. Africa and the International Politics of HIV/AIDS
2. Persistent Malaria and the Poverty of Continental Response
3. Africa and the International Drug Trade
4. Civil Wars, Ethnic/ Resource Conflicts and the Consequences of Insecurity
5. Globalization and the new China Africa Policy

Potential contributors are to indicate interest by sending a 250-word abstract before 31 March 2011.


Length: 25-30 pages (A4). Double spacing

Style: The preferred style is the Chicago Manual of Style. If any other style is used, please, provide full bibliographical data at the end of the paper. Generally, notes should be grouped together as Endnotes at the end of the paper.

Submission can be made by sending a word processing computer file in MS Word format by e-mail to olarich42@yahoo.com .

Deadline for submission of completed papers: 30 June 2011

Prof. Richard Olaniyan,
P.O. Box 1045,
Obafemi Awolowo University,
Ile-Ife, Nigeria.
Email: olarich42@yahoo.com

More information here.


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