02 March 2011

Call for Submissions: "The Habitat Issue" of Klorofyl, an Online Literary and Art Magazine (Nigeria)

Call for Submissions

1. Blog: You may contribute to this blog. Please keep the pieces short and witty, writing crisp and directed, with catchy captions. Photo input should be no more than 700 kb. Further guidelines are found below, in the magazine submissions section.

2. Magazine: Klorofyl, an online literary, art and lifestyle magazine, seeks submissions towards its second edition, themed, The Habitat Issue. Klorofyl aims to become an Iconic, visually and intellectually engaging publication illustrating the vibrant life. This, and subsequent editions, will be presented online, viewable in graphical or blog versions.

Klorofyl at this time seeks Writing and Art, not necessarily restricted to the theme. We are looking for world-leading writing and graphic art: stunning, emotive, truthful, thought provoking, beautiful, vibrant, timeless:… want to step up?

1. Writing: Poetry, stories, opinion pieces, prose. Columns, Feature articles and Interviews/ personality profiles are also welcome. If interested, please send in a concept document detailing the idea you wish to present, and the eventual layout and scope of the final article, as well as an estimated time of completion.

2. Art: Photography; graphic art., comic strips/series Images should generally between 500kb to 600 kb. All of these should be accompanied by appropriate annotations or Artists’ notes, for better presentation. If you wish us to preview demos or lower resolution samples at another online location, simply send the appropriate links. If you wish to be an illustrator for subsequent issues of Klorofyl, please contact info@klorofyl.com

Submissions can be sent by email, to sub@klorofyl.com; the editor (tolu@klorofyl.com); or submitted directly on the submissions page of this site. All entries will be acknowledged, with information regarding acceptance or consideration, queries or requests for modification. Accepted entries will appear in Klorofyl.

Editing: Modifications, within reasonable limits, may be made to accepted works for better presentation.

Copyright Issues: Please ensure that any pieces submitted were authored by you, or the source appropriately indicated, and that no copyrights are being infringed.

Addenda: Accompanying each entry should be a contextual note about the piece, as well as a brief bio and picture

More information here.


IMPORTANT: Do not respond to the job ad if (a) it charges fees for registration or access to listings, trainings or other materials; (b) you are redirected to dubious or domain-flipping websites; or (c) you are subjected to take lengthy unpaid tests/trial assignments or required to submit long-form samples on very specific topics or following a very specific editorial style. Help keep this job board scam-free by reporting a scam listing to contact@writejobs.info; we will then include a warning in the post.