02 March 2011

2011 Black Marriage Day Student Essay Contest

Deadline: 5 March 2011

Participate in the 2011 Black Marriage Day Essay Contest and you could win $50.00.
Tell us what you think a great marriage looks like. Share your ideas, your thoughts, your interpretation, and your beliefs about love, marriage and family in at least 250 words. Be a voice for your generation. What couples do you admire? What do you think a great relationship looks like? What makes a family work?

Your ideas can be part of the Indiana Black Marriage Day Celebration on March 20th, 2011.

Winners Announced : March 15, 2011

Contact person: Melody Boone, 317-927-9558

Each student must complete the entry form (or a photocopy) and submit it with two (2) copies of an original essay (250 words or more.) The winning essay will focus on a topic selected from the choices provided. The student shares his or her opinion, experience or personal feelings. Essays will be judged in three categories 6-8 graders, 9-10 graders, and 11-12 graders. Essay may be submitted by mail, fax or email. All email and faxed correspondence will receive an acknowledgement. If you do not receive a confirmation, please call 317-927-9558 to verify receipt.

  • Complete Entry Form
  • Review the topics
  • Write an essay 250 words or more
  • Submit your entry
  • Confirm receipt of entry
  • Think Win—Win!!!

Indiana Healthy Marriage And Family Coalition
3737 N. Meridian Street.
Suite 206
Indianapolis, IN 46208
Attn: Essay Contest


Your essay should cover one or more of the topics listed below;

  • Why is a two-parent home important to our youth? Describe how/why having both parents present in the home affect and influence the children in the home.
  • What you think a great marriage looks like? Describe how you think marriage is intended to be. What African– American married couples do you admire? Identify an African– American couple that you think are good examples of what a marital relationship should look like and tell why you chose them. What makes a family healthy (or work)? Describe your thoughts of what a family consists of, how a healthy family looks and functions and what makes you feel they are functional.
  • What a well-functioning blended family looks like? As two or more families/family members are joined in one household, what needs to be done to make it a smooth transition. Describes how a well functioning blended family looks.

Entries will be joined primarily on content however grammar will be a factor considered by judges as well.


  • 6-8 graders Male and female
  • 9-10 graders Male and female
  • 11-12 graders. Male and female

1MALE / 1FEMALE WINNER will be selected from each category. Prizes will be distributed at the Black Marriage Day Celebration, March 20, 2011 at 4pm


All entries must be written by a student who fits into one of the categories listed. The entries must be developed and written by the contestant. Entries with less than 250 words will not be considered for prize. All entries must be received by the deadline indicated and an entry form must accompany each submission. Each contestant must acquire confirmation of receipt of their submission.. It is the responsibility of the contestant to ensure correct contact information is given.


All entries must be received no later than March 5, 2011. They may be submitted via mail to 3737 N. Meridian St, Ste. 206, Indianapolis, IN 46208 Attn: Essay Contest, by email ihmi@sbcglobal.net include on subject line: Essay Contest- Entry ID*, or you may fax your entry to 317-927-9557. You should receive confirmation from IHMFC that your essay has been received. If you do not receive the confirmation, you should contact IHMFC to verify that your essay was received. It is the responsibility of the contestant to secure the confirmation no later than the dead-line for entry, March 5, 2011. *(Entry ID is explained on entry form)

Download entry form >>

More information here.


IMPORTANT: Do not respond to the job ad if (a) it charges fees for registration or access to listings, trainings or other materials; (b) you are redirected to dubious or domain-flipping websites; or (c) you are subjected to take lengthy unpaid tests/trial assignments or required to submit long-form samples on very specific topics or following a very specific editorial style. Help keep this job board scam-free by reporting a scam listing to contact@writejobs.info; we will then include a warning in the post.