10 March 2011

Call for Submissions - New Humanism: The African Perspective (UNESCO Africa N°3 Journal)

Deadline: 10 March 2011

UNESCO AFRICA N°3 will be published in July 2011 on the theme “New Humanism: The African Perspective”.

On behalf of the Team of Heads of UNESCO Offices and Institutes in Africa, the UNESCO Office in Dakar and Regional Bureau for Education in Africa (BREDA) calls for articles in the field of education, science, social and human sciences, culture, communication and information. These papers will make the content for the third edition of UNESCO AFRICA, the annual journal of the UNESCO field Offices in sub-Saharan Africa.

What is UNESCO Africa?

UNESCO AFRICA ‘s goal is to create a space for exchange, dialogue and information dissemination, not only for the benefit of UNESCO specialists working in Africa Region but also for other colleagues and experts, partners and all those with an interest in the development of the Continent. Its ambition goes beyond information dissemination, as it is also intended to raise people awareness regarding the major issues of our times and to promote adhesion to UNESCO’s ideals of peace, human rights and the building of human capabilities.

The first and second editions of the journal can be found on our websites: www.unescoafrica.org and www.dakar.unesco.org

A copy can also be sent upon request.

UNESCO Africa N°3: New Humanism: The African Perspective

UNESCO AFRICA N°3 will be published in July 2011 on the theme “New Humanism: The African Perspective”.

The main purpose of this UNESCO Africa volume is twofold. On one hand it calls for the interpretation of “New humanism” in the African context by taking into account the modernization processes initiated by African countries and the specific challenges they face. On the other hand, it seeks to analyze how the values related to “New humanism and African perspective” are integrated in the formulation and implementation of development policies and programmes by governments and institutions such as UNESCO and other development agencies whose mission is to assist African countries strengthen their human, economic and social resource base. It is important to make suggestions and recommendations on how governments, UNESCO and other development agencies can embrace and promote the values of “New Humanism” and consider the African perspective as key to promoting quality education, reducing poverty, combating hunger, HIV/AIDS and preventing conflicts in order to ensure sustainable development and peace on the continent. It is equally important to define and overcome the obstacles which hinder recognition of the potential and opportunities within Africa (its human, cultural and ecological resources) in order to build real bridges among people, cultures and disciplines and to embed the values of “New Humanism” into policies, programmes and plans of action for the improvement of quality of life, wealth generation and sustainable development of the continent.

The interested persons are kindly invited to submit papers on these issues or related subjects to BREDA by March 10th 2011. They are requested to communicate their full names, address (including e-mail address), academic status, occupation and current institutional affiliation as well as the subject (sub-theme) of their paper.

The deadline for the submission of full papers (in French or English) with bibliographic references is 20 April 2011. An abstract of 150 to 200 words is also required.

Manuscripts submitted to the journal should be typed (approximately 4000 words). They should be sent to a.beynis@unesco.org as attached documents in word version. Camera-ready copies of maps, charts, and graphs are required, as well as data used in plotting the charts and graphs. Photographs to illustrate the texts are also welcome. The name of the photographer should be mentioned and his/her authorization to use the picture in UNESCO AFRICA N°3 provided.

Articles submitted to UNESCO BREDA should be original contributions and should not be considered by another publication at the same time.

Manuscripts will not be returned to authors if the paper is not accepted.

More information here.


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