17 March 2011

The David Astor Journalism Awards for Independent Journalism in East Africa

SABMiller, which has interests in 34 African countries, announced today that it will become a co-sponsor of the David Astor Journalism Awards Trust, the UK based charity which aims to promote, strengthen and support independent journalism in Africa.

Established in 2006, the Trust runs an awards programme in East Africa, searching and investing in exceptionally promising young African print journalists working in English. SABMiller's contribution will support the 2011 programme which currently operates in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda and focuses on the professional development and long-term career support of the next generation of media leaders in East Africa.

The award winners take part in a three month professional development programme, tailored to their particular interests, involving secondments to newspapers in the UK and South Africa later on this year. They also automatically become career long members of the David Astor Journalism Awards peer-support network and each receives a nominal cash award of $500.

If you would like more information, please contact us. jim.meyer@dajat.org

More information here.


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