12 March 2011

Excellence in Journalism Awards - Tanzania Officially Launched

Deadline: 31 March 2011

The organizing committee of nine partners led by the Media Council of Tanzania (MCT) laid out terms and conditions for vying for the Excellence in Journalism Awards Tanzania (EJAT) which this time are in 17 categories.

Entry forms for the EJAT competition can be accessed on the MCT website , and are also available in media houses and for those in the regions can get them from the Union of Tanzania Press Clubs (UTPC).

Entries for EJAT will be judged on their uniqueness, creativity, and research work, mastery of language, ethical reporting and balancing of story.

The new categories for 2010 are Best Cartoonist, Best Photo journalist, Best writer in Disability reporting, Best Telecommunication reporting and Best on science and technology reporting. There will be an open category which will take care of other outstanding works which do not fall in the other categories. The other categories are: Good Governance, Gender, Economic and Business Sports, Environment, Health HIV and AIDS , Malaria , Education , Labor and working Relations, and Children Reporting.

All winners will be awarded certificates, trophies; prize and work equipment and the overall winner will in addition get a scholarship worth 4,000 USD. The successful winners will be feted at a grand ceremony to be held on World Press Freedom Day on May 3, this year in Dar es Salaam.

Download entry form and rules here >>

More information here.


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