23 April 2011

Farm Radio Scriptwriting Competition on Healthy Communities (Africa-wide)

Deadline: 1 November 2011

Who Can Participate?

The competition is open to organizations and individuals that work with radio in Africa, including radio stations, broadcasters, production organizations, NGOs with a radio project, farmers’ associations with a radio program, health NGOs interested in collaborating with a local radio station, etc.


Your radio script should tell the true story of an initiative in your region that is contributing to a healthy community. If you choose to write a script in drama format, or as a two-host conversation or in narrative, storytelling form, your characters and situations must be based on real people and real situations. There are a great number of potential themes, and you are free to choose the one which suits you best. The following categories are offered as suggestions for you to consider. Please note that you are not limited to these categories.

· Healthy environment: community solutions for environmental health, including sustainable land use, transportation, water, sanitation and waste management, and healthy home conditions (for example, reducing air pollution from cooking, and separating livestock and human living spaces),

· Agriculture and health: agricultural practices that help farmers contribute to a healthy community, such as controlled use of pesticides, and minimizing the impact of fertilizers on drinking water.

· Maternal health and family planning: community initiatives that promote maternal health and family planning.

· Access to information and health services: health literacy, and community health education and services on topics such as sexually transmitted diseases, for example, knowledge about HIV and care for people living with HIV and AIDS.

· Healthy living: healthy eating practices, treating addictions, addressing mental health issues.

· Equality and social justice: opportunities for women to make informed decisions about their health, promoting equal opportunities for marginalized groups.

· Community peace and safety: initiatives that enable people to live in peace; projects that help people resolve conflict; preventing work-related accidents.

The competition is committed to promoting gender equality and encourages scripts that feature stories of healthy community initiatives that benefit and involve rural women.


Submitted scripts must be prepared by talking with people in your community who are involved and/or who benefit from the healthy community initiative. Scripts can be written in a variety of formats – for example, dramas, two-host conversations, interviews or roundtable discussions. The script must be an original piece of work written specifically for this competition. It must be between 500-2000 words with an approximate airing time of between 5 and 10 minutes, including music, and include references to all information sources used to prepare the script (e.g., rural people, health institutions, NGOs, documents, etc.).

Above all, the radio script should engage and inspire listeners.

Here are some important dates to keep in mind:

May 25: Registration Opens

August 16: Online Training Course Starts

October 24: Online Training Course Ends

November 1: Last day to submit script

January 2011: Winners Announced

Submit Script

Script entries must be received no later than November 1, 2010.

At the end of the course page, you will find a link where you can submit your script. We also encourage you to submit an audio version. You can also e-mail your script and audio version to submit@farmradio.org.

Participants agree to provide Farm Radio International and its collaborators the right to use their submitted audio and script material.


The scripts will be reviewed by an international panel of judges. Top entries will be eligible for a variety of prizes, ranging from digital audio recorders to training and conference opportunities. The winners will be announced in January 2011. The winning scriptwriters will work with Farm Radio International staff to improve their scripts, making them truly radio-ready. Winning scripts will be published and distributed to radio stations across sub-Saharan Africa and made available on Farm Radio International’s website at www.farmradio.org. All entrants will receive feedback on their scripts.

Contact Information:

For inquiries: submit@farmradio.org

For submissions: submit@farmradio.org

Website: http://scriptcompetition.farmradio.org


IMPORTANT: Do not respond to the job ad if (a) it charges fees for registration or access to listings, trainings or other materials; (b) you are redirected to dubious or domain-flipping websites; or (c) you are subjected to take lengthy unpaid tests/trial assignments or required to submit long-form samples on very specific topics or following a very specific editorial style. Help keep this job board scam-free by reporting a scam listing to contact@writejobs.info; we will then include a warning in the post.