21 July 2011

All-Expense Paid Fellowship: 'Covering a Revolution' Reporting Fellowship in Egypt

Deadline: 15 August 2011

A free press is the foundation of a working democracy. And Egypt right now is in the process of pouring the concrete that will give shape to a foundation for a new Egypt after “the January 25 Revolution” succeeded in toppling President Hosni Mubarak.

At this time of dramatic change in Egypt, GlobalPost and The Open Hands Initiative seek to bring together approximately 15 young journalists from Egypt and America to collaborate and learn from each other about how best to cover a democracy in transition.

The project, tentatively set to take place from October 10 to 22, will create a team of journalists who are starting out in their careers. These reporting fellows will be provide the opportunity to work together to produce a GlobalPost “Special Report” on the impact of the revolution in Egypt. All expenses will be paid for this fellowship and those who produce work that is accepted for publication on GlobalPost will be paid a standard rate for freelance articles.

The fellowship will begin with a three-day seminar that will feature a list of prominent speakers, including leading Egyptian political analysts, human rights workers as well as veteran journalists from Egypt and America. These speakers will brief the reporting fellows on the dramatic changes unfolding in Egypt and the challenges that lie ahead, and provide them a base of understanding to go out in the field in Cairo and across Egypt to carry out their reporting.

They will be assigned to cover issues including: the emergence of new political parties; the stumbling efforts to reform a police force accused of widespread abuses; the role of the Egyptian military in the transition of power; the rights of women and minorities; and the impact of the internet and social networking on the revolution and what role it will play in the future.

Based on its field reporting, the team will produce a multi-part series to be published by GlobalPost. They will also contribute to a blog which will document the daily journey of the team. The reporting fellows themselves will be responsible for posting blog entries, including short written vignettes, photo galleries and video clips. In the end, GlobalPost will work with the fellows to review all of the material they have gathered and help them give edit, fact check and give shape to a “Special Report.”

This collaborative report and daily blog will be written and produced in Arabic and English and will reach GlobalPost’s loyal and engaged audience of 2 million monthly unique visitors. As GlobalPost’s co-founder and Executive Editor, I will be leading the reporting project in the field along with GlobalPost’s Senior Correspondent in Cairo Jon Jensen and the VII Photo Agency’s co-founder Gary Knight.

The project is being funded through support from the The Open Hands Initiative, a New York-based non-profit foundation, dedicated to improving people-to-people education and understanding worldwide through projects that emphasize shared values and common humanity. The Open Hands Initiative was established by Jay T. Snyder, an American businessman and philanthropist, and he will direct the seminar.

Both GlobalPost and The Open Hands Initiative are dedicated to the idea that by working together this team of Egyptian and American journalists will learn from each other, deepen the bond between their two countries and produce quality reporting that will enlighten and inform. These two organizations are both committed to ensuring that this project is completely independent and free of any government or partisan ideology.


QUALIFICATIONS: The program will pull together a team of Egyptian and American journalists who are just starting out in their careers and provide them the opportunity to work together as a team to produce a GlobalPost “Special Report” on the impact of the revolution in Egypt. Applicants should have a college degree and at least two years experience in journalism.

Writers, photographers, videographers and/or bloggers interested in applying for this expenses-paid fellowship should send a resume, cover letter and links to at least three examples of your work to kgrant@globalpost.com.

Via: globalpost.com

Contact Information:

For inquiries: kgrant@globalpost.com

For submissions: kgrant@globalpost.com

Website: http://www.openhandsinitiative.org/


IMPORTANT: Do not respond to the job ad if (a) it charges fees for registration or access to listings, trainings or other materials; (b) you are redirected to dubious or domain-flipping websites; or (c) you are subjected to take lengthy unpaid tests/trial assignments or required to submit long-form samples on very specific topics or following a very specific editorial style. Help keep this job board scam-free by reporting a scam listing to contact@writejobs.info; we will then include a warning in the post.