Uganda Women Writers Association will hold her 3rd Regional Women Writers Residence in November 2011. This is an exciting writing programme that brings together upcoming African women writers. The main objectives of the residence are:
* To give African women conducive space and time to write
* To create opportunities for inter-cultural discourse among women writers
* To strengthen collaboration among women writers’ initiatives in Africa
* To generate short stories for publication in an anthology
At the end of the residence, we expect that the writers:
* Will have improved at least one of their manuscripts
* Will have enriched each other’s manuscripts through discussion
* Will have submitted their improved short story for the residence anthology
How to apply for the 3rd Regional Residence
Interested women are required to submit:
* Part of a Novel / Short Story collection in WORD Document (30 pages, typed in Times New Roman, font 12, 1.5 spacing).
* A short story for publication in the Residence Anthology (if it is an already published story, the author must seek permissions for reproduction).
This call is open to African women living on the continent. Writers already attached to writers associations in their countries will be given first priority.
Deadline for submissions is 20th August 2011
Please Note:
1. All applicants will receive notification by email once their manuscripts are received.
2. The Residence targets 15 writers
3. The Residence will last two weeks in November 2011
4. Successful applicants will be given details of dates, travel, and accommodation by 30th August 2011.
FEMRITE wishes you all best towards widening women’s writing space on the African continent.
Please send your submissions by email to and copy to
Contact Information:
For inquiries:
For submissions: and copy to