We hope to push the limits and expose the world to aspects of Africa not often shown - both the positives and the negatives. We are interested in pieces about and from Africans living abroad as well.
Please take the time to enjoy the content of the site and get a feel for it before submitting.
Because this is a web-based publication there are no word count restrictions.
Compensation is paid on publication.
All submissions should be emailed to: editor@kalaharireview.com
Fiction, Poetry, Essays, and Humor Pieces: Should be sent as a PDF or WORD attachment and should be accompanied by a proper query letter in the body of the email. Please include your contact details including full name, postal address, e-mail and telephone number in the body of the query letter.
Photos, Art Work and Cartoon Portfolios: Should be sent as a PDF, JPG. or PNG attachments and should be accompanied by a proper query letter in the body of the email. Please include your contact details including full name, postal address, e-mail and telephone number in the body of the query letter. (Note: this area particularly the publication is interested only in avant-garde content. We are not interested in ordinary wildlife or landscapes. Portraits will be considered if they have a unique quality to them.)
Feature Articles, News Articles, Profiles, Exposés, Conversations and Interviews: Please attach your pitch letters as a PDF or WORD attachment. Please include any photos or graphic illustrations that you feel would help your pitch. Please include your contact details including full name, postal address, e-mail and telephone number in the body of the letter.
Note: Please thoroughly check your submissions for proper formatting, grammar and punctuation. Gross errors in these areas will seriously damage any works consideration for publication.
For inquiries: editor@kalaharireview.com
For submissions: editor@kalaharireview.com
Website: http://www.kalaharireview.com