Our focus in the 12th Issue of Saraba is Justice. Beginning with the premise that Justice is often stereotyped within a legal regime, and the evident tethered quality of such confinement. And going further to consider broad-ranging ethical and neo-ethical implications of rights, jurisprudence, politics, social activism, intellectual property, dispute resolution, etc. etc.
How can the intricacies of legalism be considered in aesthically artistic ways?
Is Justice an imagined word?
I am thinking for instance of an #occupyNigeria portfolio featuring writings, photos, illustrations that capture the historicity of that week. Because Justice sometimes predicates on protest, on the meaning of Social Contract, and on revolution in sacrificial terms.
Our recent efforts show how dedicated we have become to placing chosen themes beyond local contexts; we work, like few other journals, with a careful mix of emerging and established writers. In welcoming entries for our 12th Issue, we are hoping that prospective contributions will intersect artistry with long-ranging speculation.
So, once again, we welcome writers and visual artists especially from Africa to send in their work.
Please send your work in an attachment in any of our three major categories: Fiction, Poetry and Non-Fiction. Send no more than one work at a time, and wait for our response before you send another. Word count for fiction works is 5,000, except otherwise announced. We’d accept no more than 3 poems at a time. For Non-fiction, we expect a broad range of new creative writing, including short memoirs, interviews, reviews, creative non-fiction, creative journalism, etc. Word count for this is 2,500.
Please send alongside a bio of not more than 50 words (in third person).
For inquiries: sarabamag@gmail.com
For submissions: via submishmash
Website: http://sarabamag.com/