(The Speculative Literature Foundation is a global organization/ has a global scope. While the founders/members currently only have the resources to address English-language or English-translated material, they're reserving the right to expand their scope in the future.)
The SLF Older Writers Grant is awarded annually to a writer who is fifty years of age or older at the time of grant application, and is intended to assist such writers who are just starting to work at a professional level. We are currently offering one $750 grant annually, to be used as the writer determines will best assist his or her work.
This grant will be awarded by a committee of SLF staff members on the basis of merit. Factors considered will include:
- a short (less than 500 words) autobiographical statement, describing the writer and his/her work thus far; be sure to include date of birth
- a writing sample (up to 10 pages of poetry, 10 pages of drama, or 10,000 words of fiction or creative nonfiction -- if sending a segment of a novel, novella, or novellette, please include a one-page synopsis as well)
- a bibliography of previously-published work by the author (no more than one page, typed); applicants need not have previous publications to apply
If awarded the grant, the recipient agrees to provide a brief excerpt from their work, and an autobiographical statement describing themselves and their writing (500-1000 words) for our files, and for possible public dissemination on our website.
PLEASE NOTE: This grant, as with all SLF grants, is intended to help writers working with speculative literature. If you're not sure what areas that term encompasses, we recommend referencing our FAQ (question #2).
Older Writers Grant Application Procedures
- Send the three items listed above to our older writers grant administrator Malon Edwards as attached .doc files, to olderwriters@speculativeliterature.org. Include a brief cover letter with your name and contact info (e-mail, phone in case of emergency). If you have questions, direct them to that same address.
- Older writer grant applications will be considered from May 1st to May 31st, this year. Applications received outside that period will be discarded unread.
- The grant recipient will be announced by July 15th, this year. All applicants will be notified of the status of their application by that date.
For queries/ submissions: olderwriters@speculativeliterature.org
Website: http://speclit.org/