We are now accepting chapters for the second edition of (Re)tracing African History, Societies, and Cultures: A Multi-disciplinary Study of Africa, edited by Drs. Salome Nnoromele and Ogechi Anyanwu. This book is intended to give both instructors and students of The African Experience a comprehensive and up-to-date account of Africa’s cultural and political history, economic development, artistic expressiveness, religious and philosophical worldviews, etc. Each chapter must cover relevant issues surrounding a subject from the pre-colonial period to the present. The editors welcome scholarly submissions from academics and researchers in the field. Please consult the list of topics below and submit a 300-word abstract of your proposed paper to salome.nnoromele@eku.edu and ogechi.anyanwu@eku.edu on or before October 30, 2012. If your proposal is accepted, you will be requested to submit a complete essay on March 30, 2013. Papers must be original and should not be previously published or simultaneously been reviewed elsewhere for publication. All completed papers will be peer-reviewed before they are accepted for publication.
1. African Geography and Environment
2. Christianity and Christian Missions in Africa
3. Islam and Islamic Revival in Africa
4. Traditional Justice systems in Africa
5. Postcolonial Justice Systems in Africa
6. Law and Order in Africa
7. Social Institutions in Africa
8. Political Institution in Africa
9. Healthcare and Medicine in Africa
10. Masculinity in Africa
11. Marriage and the Family in Africa
12. Sport in Africa
13. The Cold War and Africa
14. Security Challenges in Contemporary Africa
15. Agriculture and Food Production in Africa
16. The Politics of Hunger in Africa
17. Slavery and its effects in Africa
18. Racial Diversity in Africa
19. Class and Gender Relations in African Societies
20. Cities and urbanization in Africa
21. Democratization in Postcolonial Africa
22. Globalization and challenges of African Development
Dr. Salome C. Nnoromele
Director, African/African-American Studies
Professor, Dept. of English & Theatre
Eastern Kentucky University
229 Mattox Building
Richmond, KY 40475
Phone: (859) 622-8676
Email: salome.nnoromele@eku.edu
Dr. Ogechi E. Anyanwu
Associate Professor of History
Eastern Kentucky University
310 Keith Building
Richmond, KY 40475
Phone: (859)-622-1375
Fax: 859-622-1357
Email: ogechi.anyanwu@eku.edu
For queries: ogechi.anyanwu@eku.edu
For submissions: salome.nnoromele@eku.edu and ogechi.anyanwu@eku.edu
Website: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/bookanyanwu/1108150232