In order to promote the role of science journalists in science, society and media and a dialogue on the role of science and technology in society and public policy, Benin association of science journalists and communicators will hosts the 1st West Africa Science Journalists Conference (WASJC), from 26 to 28 november 2012, in Cotonou, Benin, in partnership with Nigeria, Niger, Togo national science journalists associations.
The conference will focus on the role of science journalism s in sustainable development. The meeting will bring together about 100 science journalists, science communicators, researchers, scientists, academics, research centers, scientific communication agencies, organizations of research funding and students from west African countries. National association will bring their members to participate to the conference.
Science Journalism is not yet entrenched in most media outlets across Africa. AJCSB believes the needs and demands placed on science journalists in Africa are growing, and science journalists should play a role in sustainable development.
The event aims to promote the role of science journalists in science, society and media and a dialogue on the role of science and technology in society and public policy. In Cotonou, participants will all interact with the best of West Africa and world science journalists and science communicators, and discuss how science journalism will boost sustainable development in the region face with multiple problems especially poverty. All this to achieve a common purpose: ever more quality and quantity science story in West Africa.
Specific objectives include:
• Provide West Africa science journalists the opportunity to exchange and to network;
• Provide West Africa science journalists the opportunity to meet, exchange experiences with other colleagues, and learn from experienced science journalists from other parts of the world;
• Strengthen the skills of West Africa science journalists in the coverage of science issues;
• Strengthen the capacity of West Africa science journalists to have a deeper understanding of particular science topics (to be determined)
The activities of the conference include:
- Training
- Plenary session
- Workshop
- Visit
- Exposition
People wishing to give papers or organize complete sessions for the program are welcome. The deadline for proposal submission is August15, 2012. The theme of the conference is:“Science journalism as driving force of sustainable development in West Africa”.
The conference programme and speakers presentations will be available on the conference ( and AJCSB ( website before November 10, 2012. Daily updates will be communicated via Twitter and facebook.
To register to the conference, download the registration form here. The deadline for registration is November 15, 2012.
Scholarships will be available for journalists. The criteria for benefit for the scholarship will be shared later.
For queries/ submissions: Christophe D. Assogba, President AJCSB, at or
Website: http://ajcsb.orgwasjc/