We publish African writers only (writers born in Africa, or having domiciled in for over 10 years, and/or holding citizenship in an African country). If that's you, we welcome you to submit in all fiction genres. The submitted work must be an original work, nothing that infringes the copyright of, or is derived from, another author's work of fiction, is overly lewd, hate speech, etc.
We are open for submissions year-round, but will only review and select submissions over August each year.
Works submitted may be: Fictional short stories only.
Size limit: 1500 - 8000
1) Must be unpublished (not previously published in print or online).
2) No simultaneous submissions (only submitted to this anthology and no other publications).
3) No multiple submissions (submit only one work in each year).
4) Word count limits: 1500 - 8000 words
5) Submission format: single line spaced, font Times New Roman 12pt, no indents, and written in UK English.
6) There are quite a few overused themes we've seen too much of like suicide, job interviews, AIDS, and child soldiers, etc. This doesn't mean you can't enter stories with these themes, but unless they are approached in new and unique ways it's unlikely we will select them.
For queries: storytime.publishing@gmail.com
For submissions: via submittable
Website: http://storytime-african-publisher.blogspot.com/