We’re looking for writers to join The Next Web’s features team. Feature writers will join us on a freelance basis and be paid per-article.
We’re seeking contributors in several categories, but across all of them you must have a few essential traits.
- Passionate about technology
- Fast, confident writer
- Natural attention to detail
- Inquisitive and investigative
We’re looking for investigative reporters to develop feature-length pieces that delve as deeply into the issues they cover as possible. These are research intensive, generally requiring you to conduct multiple interviews. Generally, 10 to 14 days will be given to complete these features.
Do you love investigating and uncovering issues? Are you happy to ask the difficult questions in an interview? Will you do anything to get to the truth? Our investigative feature writers need to be tenacious and dedicated to their work — and have thick skin.
Please point us to your previous long-form work when you apply.
We’re looking for practical types to get involved in writing our weekend how-to pieces. Our coverage will include technology, lifehacks and DIY. If you’d like to show readers how to do cool stuff on the web and with their computers (no basics, please), how you get 24 hours of work done in 12 or share instructions for your latest Arduino project, this is the gig for you.
How-to articles should be highly visual with plenty of screenshots and/or photographs, be divided into succinct steps so the process is broken down into its basic elements, and concise so the focus is on the action.
Do you have a lot to say about startups and technology? Have a track record of keen insights into the nature of the industry and what should be done differently? The Next Web opinion pieces need to really analyze the news after the fact and provoke spirited discussion.
You will either already have a reputation as an incisive commentator, or a body of work that shows us that you have what it takes and just need an audience.
Yes, list articles are to the tech media what gossip pieces are to the mainstream media. But sometimes our readers just want to read something light and easy on the weekend while they’re relaxing. You’ll be responsible for delivering that experience.
You should be adaptable and willing to handle list pieces at different ends of the spectrum. Sometimes, you might need to do a bit of digging to come up with — for example — the twenty most dangerous cybercrime attacks of the decade. Other times you should be able to take a leaf from Cracked.com’s book and leave your audience laughing.
HOW TO APPLY: You can apply by heading to our recruitment form and telling us about yourself. Please include links to previous work that is relevant to the role (or roles) that you are applying for.
For submissions: via the online application page
Website: http://thenextweb.com/