30 August 2012

Call for Entries: The 2012 South African Breweries Sports Media Awards (R25,000 top prize)

Deadline: 19 September 2012 (5pm)

Now in its 32nd year and remaining the only competition to applaud and reward outstanding work in the sphere of sports journalism in South Africa, the SAB Sports Media Awards has further evolved over the last year.

This has included increasing the prize money, updating the competition categories, introducing new judges and implementing an online entry and judging portal through which the competition will be run.

Although physical entries will still be accepted and subsequently loaded onto the new competition portal under the auspices of the auditors, competition entrants are encouraged to use the online system to enter any of the following sub-categories to stand a chance of winning the overall Sports Media prize of R25,000 per category.

As part of this year’s Awards, Castle Lager have launched “The Castle Lager Superfan Moment of the Year” as an additional category. This award is across all disciplines and will be awarded to the candidate who best captures fans or people who have been brought together by sport. This prize is also worth R25 000 for the winning entrant.


The Categories and Sub-Categories for the SAB Sports Media Awards 2012 are listed below along with the prize monies for the overall winner in each category. All Main category winners receive a cash prize of R25,000 while sub-category winners each receive R3,000 unless otherwise stated.

Print Category (R25 000)

Overall Print Contributor of the Year: The Sports Journalist who has contributed the most in terms of consistent and excellent written sports journalism over the year

Print Sub-Categories
  • Feature Writer of the Year: The person who has written sports features or conducted in-depth interviews throughout the year.
  • Columnist of the Year: The journalist who has contributed to a regular sports column.
  • News Reporter of the Year: The person who has proved excellence and consistency in news reporting, including match reporting.
Photography (Print and Online) Category (R25 000): Overall Photographic Contributor of the Year for the photographer who has consistently produced excellent photographic work over the course of the year.

Photographic Sub-Category: Action Shot of the Year for the one visual image that depicts a defining moment in a particular sport.

New Media Category (R25 000) Overall New Media Contributor of the Year for the person who made the biggest contribution to sports reporting through the best use of a variety of different forms of online media throughout the year.

New Media Sub-Categories
  • Social Media Correspondent of the Year: The person who has used web-based and mobile based technologies to effectively communicate about sport, including but not limited to live tweets, website reporting, online columns, podcasts and vodcasts.
  • Sports Blogger of the Year: The stand-out blogger of the year dedicated to Sport and everything associated with it, who has had discussions or information sites published online.
Radio Category (R25 000): Overall Radio Contributor of the Year for the person who has made the biggest contribution to the field of sports journalism in the area of radio over the year.

Radio Sub-Categories
  • Sports News Reporter of the Year: The person who has delivered consistently excellent sports reporting from the field over the year.
  • Sports Commentator of the Year: The person who has delivered consistently great sports commentary over the year.
  • Sports Presenter of the Year: The person who has excelled as a presenter on a live sport or magazine programme or who presents sports news bulletins.
Television Category (R25 000): Overall Television Contributor of the Year for the person who has made the largest contribution to TV Sports Journalism over the year.

Television Sub-Categories
  • Sports News Reporter of the Year: The person who has delivered consistently excellent news reporting from the field over the year.
  • Sports Commentator of the Year: The person who has delivered consistently great sports commentary over the year.
  • Sports Presenter of the Year: The person who has excelled as a presenter on a live sport or magazine programme from either a studio or a venue.
  • Sports Producer of the Year: The person who has excelled in producing either a live-to-air or pre-recorded sports programme.
The Castle Lager Superfan Moment of the Year (R25 000): Eligibility for this award is across all categories. Candidates should enter specific work for this award. This will be awarded to the candidate who best captures fans and/or people who have been brought together by the context of sport. The content of the entry should embody Castle's ethos of "It All Comes Together".

Hall of Fame Award: Nominated online by sports journalists based on specific criteria, people who are inducted into the SAB Sports Media Award Hall of Fame have made a significant contribution to sports journalism over 15 or more years.

Newcomer of the Year Award (R5 000 plus scholarship): Nominated by sports editors based on specific criteria, the Newcomer of the Year Award recognises those newcomers who have been in the media for less than two years, and who show talent and commitment to sports journalism.

Sports Personality of the Year: Nominated online by sports journalists, the award goes to a sports personality who has most captured the imagination of sports media, and made an impression on the sporting world.

  • Entries for the SAB Sports Media Awards 2012 open at 08:00 on Monday 3rd September 2012 and close at 17:00 on Wednesday 19th September 2012.
  • Entrants for the SAB Sports Media Awards 2012 should submit work published or broadcast between 1st August 2011 and 31st August 2012.
  • Only work broadcast or published in South Africa will be considered.
  • All entries need to be entered via the SAB Sports Media Awards Competition portal.
  • If you do not have access to the internet, work can also be entered physically.
  • All printed material needs to be entered as a PDF of the page on which it appeared
  • All photographs need to be submitted as high-resolution JPG’s along with a PDF of the page on which it appeared. This is in order to give context to the judges.
  • All radio entries need to be submitted in an mp3 format.
  • All entries can be on one CD/DVD as long as the number of entries on each entry form corresponds with the number of files on these formats.
  • All online entrants can be submitted along with their corresponding URL’s on the entry form.
  • Please remember to submit a high resolution picture of yourself with your entry (this will be used in the AV presentation if you are a finalist.)
  • Submit your original entry, together with the corresponding entry form and your photo, via post or courier or hand deliver it to the address below before 17:00 on Wednesday 19th September 2012.
  • After completing the above steps you would have successfully entered yourself into the SAB Sports Media Awards 2012.
  • Once the competition has closed, your entry will be captured on the online competition portal under the auspices of the competition auditors.
  • Once this capturing process has been completed, you will receive an email notification.
  • For more information, please email SABsportsmedia@za.sabmiller.com
Print Category:
  • All Print entrants must please ensure that their entries are submitted on a CD or DVD as a PDF of the page on which their article appeared.
  • If this is not possible, then the article needs to be submitted as a hard copy. This page should be no more than A4 in size. If the entry is larger than A4, it should be photocopied onto A4 sheets, with the original article attached.
  • Please do not submit your entries in a scrapbook or pasted onto board.
  • Entrants to submit a minimum of three (3) and maximum of six (6) entries for each sub-category;
New Media Category:
  • Entrants are encouraged to use as many tools of online communication as possible, including script, video, social media, online polls and comments.
  • The judges would like to see the context of the entry, so entrants are encouraged to include the comments and interaction relating to their entry.
Photography Category:

Photographic entries must have been published either in the print media or on the Internet. These entries should be high-res JPEG’s. Please note:
  • The Action Shot of the Year sub-category: a maximum of three (3) photographs to be submitted, with the sub-category winner to be decided by an average of an average;
  • Overall Photographic Contributor of the Year: to be judged as a separate category. Candidates need to enter this separately with a minimum of four (4) and a maximum of ten (10) photographs from across their portfolio. This will then be judged
  • by an average of an average;
  • Judges would like to see the context of the entry, so entrants are encouraged to include the full article or caption with which the photograph appeared;
Radio Category:

All entrants must submit edited CDs or DVDs. Please note:
  • There will be a minimum of three and a maximum of six entries for eTeach sub-category;
  • All Radio entries need to be submitted Tein the mp3 format.
Television Category:

All entrants must submit edited CDs or DVDs. Please note:
  • All Television entries need to be submitted in either the MPEG, AVI or WMV formats.
  • Broadcast entries may be uploaded via either Vimeo or Youtube and the corresponding URL’s entered on the Physical Entries form.
  • All entrants are allowed a maximum of six (6) entries for this category.
  • The format of the awards is built around five categories (print, photography, new media, radio and television). The overall contributor in each of these categories can be chosen from the sub-category finalists or be an alternative winner.
  • An individual may enter in more than one sub-category.
  • The same entry may be submitted in more than one sub-category, provided you submit a separate entry for each.
  • All entries will be judged in the original language in which they were published or broadcast.
  • An entrant may enter a maximum of 6 (six) entries per category with the exception of the Photography category where a maximum of 10 (ten) entries is allowed.
  • Only work broadcast or published in South Africa will be considered.
  • Entrants for the SAB Sports Media Awards 2012 should submit work published or broadcast between 1st August 2011 and 31st August 2012.
  • Nominations and motivations for the Hall of Fame Award, Newcomer of the Year Award and Sports Personality of the Year Award can be emailed toSABsportsmedia@za.sabmiller.com before 17:00 on Wednesday, 19th September 2012. Alternatively these nominations can be made via the SAB Sports Media Awards Online Portal when it goes live on Monday, 3rd September. The winner of this award will be decided upon by the complete judging panel based on the nominations received.
  • The judging process will be independent of South African Breweries and be fully audited by a registered, impartial, external auditing firm.
  • South African Breweries reserves the right to use any entry or entrant to promote or publicise the SAB Sports Media Awards 2012. Any objections to this requirement need to be made in writing to SABsportsmedia@za.sabmiller.com.
  • The SAB Sports Media Awards 2012 is open to those working either fulltime, part-time or as a freelancer in the South African media community. This however excludes employs of SAB (Pty) Ltd., their merchandisers, advertising, promotional and PR agencies and all their immediate families.
  • The judges’ decision is final.
JUDGES AND CRITERIA: The Judges for the SAB Sports Media Awards 2012 have been selected based on their expertise and experience in the media as well as their knowledge of Sport in South Africa.

THE JUDGING PROCESS: Once the competition has closed, each judge has the opportunity to score the submitted entries for their specific category. These entries are judged according to scorecards that are provided to each judge. Once this process is complete, all judges meet with our auditors where the final scores are tallied and the winner decided upon. In the event of a tie a second round of voting will take place with the auditors present. In the event of a second tie, the convenor gets the casting vote. The entire process is audited to ensure it is fair and transparent.

  • The overall quality and impact of the work
  • The integrity of the work
  • Tailoring the work for the target audience
  • Relevance of the work
  • Creative flare
  • Style and use of language (where appropriate)
  • Factual accuracy
  • Originality and fluency
  • Firm but fair judgement
Download: entry form in pdf format, in word format


For queries: SABsportsmedia@za.sabmiller.com

For submissions: Post, courier or hand-deliver your entry to SAB Sports Media Awards 2012, ATT: Chris Verrijdt, c/o Farhana Hassim, Grant Thornton, 137 Daisy Street, Sandton 2196

Website: http://www.sab.co.za/


IMPORTANT: Do not respond to the job ad if (a) it charges fees for registration or access to listings, trainings or other materials; (b) you are redirected to dubious or domain-flipping websites; or (c) you are subjected to take lengthy unpaid tests/trial assignments or required to submit long-form samples on very specific topics or following a very specific editorial style. Help keep this job board scam-free by reporting a scam listing to contact@writejobs.info; we will then include a warning in the post.