31 January 2013

The Sharjah Translation Grant (up to $4,000 grant value | Arabic/ any language)

Deadline: 26 February 2013

(Note: Applicants can only be those who attended the Sharjah International Book Fair professional programme on 5th and 6th November 2012. No other publisher may apply.)

  • Grant value will range up to $1,500 for children’s books and up to $4,000 for general titles depending on number of words
  • Genres: Fiction, Non-Fiction (including memoir, history, cookery etc), Children’s and Young Adult, Poetry
  • Works protected by copyright (ie not in the public domain)
  • Arabic to any language
  • Can be to and from any language
  • Names and details of both parties signing agreement
  • Details of book being discussed, author, title, ISBN, rights holder, languages to and from
  • Form will be an intention to do the translation rights deal and not a binding contract at this stage (in case of any changes or the desire of one or both parties not to continue with the deal, they won’t be held liable.)
  • Each party keeps a copy and SIBF keeps a copy
  • Parties have up to 3 months after the fair to submit an application form
  • A copy of the book being discussed or the manuscript must be submitted to SIBF in support of the application form. If the book or manuscript is not in English or Arabic, the first chapter must be translated into English or Arabic and sent to SIBF with a description of the book. SIBF reserve the right to request further information about the book in English or Arabic if they do so require.
  • The deadline for receiving the copy is 26th February 2013
  • Applicants will be informed between 26th February and 26th March 2013 if their application has been successful
  • Successful applicants must then present a copy of the official translation rights contract between the rights buyer and seller for the successful book. This should be accompanied by the details of and payments to be made to the translator. This must be received by SIBF by 26th May 2013.
  • Upon receipt of the contract and translator’s details, SIBF will release 30% of the grant to the rights buying publisher
  • A further 20% will be released upon submission of the first draft of the translation
  • The final 50% payment will be made upon receipt to SIBF of 10 copies of the final published book. The books must be received by 26th October 2014.
  • Applicants will be examined by the SIBF management and their owners, the Sharjah Department of Culture and Information
  • SIBF reserve the right to declare an application as being unsuccessful at their discretion
  • If the grant recipient fails to meet all the deadlines laid out in this paper, they must repay any monies received to SIBF.
  • The 10 copies sent to SIBF will become property for SIBF for promotional use on their website, on their stands at International Book Fairs, for PR activities in the media and for Sharjah public library use.
  • Each published book must contain on the title page the following words “This book has been translated with the assistance of the Sharjah International Book Fair Translation Grant Fund”
  • The grant must be used to pay the translator of the text only and for no other purpose.
Download: application form


For queries: translation@sharjahbookfair.com

For submissions: P.O.Box 5119 Sharjah, U.A.E

Website: http://www.sharjahbookfair.com


IMPORTANT: Do not respond to the job ad if (a) it charges fees for registration or access to listings, trainings or other materials; (b) you are redirected to dubious or domain-flipping websites; or (c) you are subjected to take lengthy unpaid tests/trial assignments or required to submit long-form samples on very specific topics or following a very specific editorial style. Help keep this job board scam-free by reporting a scam listing to contact@writejobs.info; we will then include a warning in the post.