The Young Nigerian Christian Writers’ Awards aim to discover and encourage writers of the future. A N20, 000 Prize is given for the best unpublished manuscript by a Nigerian Citizen under 18 years of age. Supplementary awards may be made. The winning work will explore a Christian perspective or theme and incorporate, explain or encourage Christian life and values.
Entries are judged with an eye to the:
- Original Nature and Content of the Work.
- Literary Style including suitability for the target audience
- Contribution that the work makes in meeting a need for Christian writing in Nigeria.
- The Award is open to Nigerian Citizens normally resident in Nigeria under the age of 18. Entrants will need to supply proof of age and citizenship and details of their Christian community.
- Entries must be the original and unpublished work of the author.
- Only one entry per person.
- Entries close on 13 of September, 2013. Late entries will not be accepted.
- Each entry must be submitted as a hard copy. The entrant’s information must be attached on a separate page.
- Entries will not be returned, so remember to keep a copy.
- An entry will be disqualified if it is handwritten (entries must be word processed and printed).
- There is no minimum word count but a length between 3,000 and 5,000 words is suggested.
- Entries are read and judged by a panel selected by judges. If, in the opinion of the judges, no entry meets the standard expected, no award will be made. The judge’s decision is final. The organizers reserve the right to withdraw any unsuitable entry.
- Copyright of submitted work will remain with the author. The names of winning entrants and copies of their winning entries may be published on the Society’s website.
- All finalists will be notified by Jan 1, 2014 and the award will be presented during the Easter period. All entrants are invited to attend the awards event at a venue and date to be notified. If you have any queries please e-mail:
The Nigerian Christian Book of the Year Award is given annually to an original book written by a Nigerian citizen normally resident in Nigeria and published by a Nigerian Publisher. The award recognizes and encourages excellence in Nigerian Christian writing.
NCBOY Award carries a prize of N50,000 for the author, and a framed certificate for the author and publisher.
Entries are judged with an eye to the:
- Literary Style – including suitability for the target audience
- Original Nature of the Work.
- Design, layout, cover, text and illustrations.
- Contribution that the book makes in meeting a need for Christian writing in the Nigerian situation and in the Nigerian Market.
- Entries must be published after 1 Jan 2011 and submitted as from Jan 2013.
- There is no limit to the number of titles which a publisher may submit.
- Entries are read and judged by a panel selected by the Judges. If, in the opinion of the judges, no entry meets the standards expected, no award will be made.
- Send four copies of each title being entered.
- Submit entries to: The Awards Coordinator, Nigerian Christian Literature Awards, No 13, Queen Elizabeth Road, Opposite Group Medical, Mokola Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. Or call +2348072673852 for P.O. Box Address. E-mail
The Young Nigerian Christian Writers’ Awards aim to discover and encourage writers of the future. A N30, 000 Prize is given for the best unpublished manuscript by a Nigerian Citizen under 30 years of age. Supplementary awards may be made. The winning work will explore a Christian perspective or theme and incorporate, explain or encourage Christian life and values.
The winning work will explore a Christian perspective or theme and incorporate, explain or encourage Christian life and values.
Entries are judged with an eye to the:
- Original Nature and Content of the Work.
- Literary Style including suitability for the target audience
- Contribution that the work makes in meeting a need for Christian writing in Nigeria.
- The Award is open to Nigerian Citizens normally resident in Nigeria under the age of 30. Entrants will need to supply proof of age and citizenship and details of their Christian community.
- Entries must be the original and unpublished work of the author.
- Only one entry per person.
- Entries close on 13 of September, 2013. Late entries will not be accepted.
- Each entry must be submitted as a hard copy. The entrant’s information must be attached on a separate page.
- Entries will not be returned, so remember to keep a copy.
- An entry will be disqualified if it is handwritten (entries must be word processed and submitted to our e-mail or through printed copies).
- There is no minimum word count but a length between 10,000 and 30,000 words is suggested.
- Entries are read and judged by a panel selected by judges. If, in the opinion of the judges, no entry meets the standard expected, no award will be made. The judge’s decision is final. The organizers reserve the right to withdraw any unsuitable entry.
- Copyright of submitted work will remain with the author. The names of winning entrants and copies of their winning entries may be published on the Association’s website.
- All finalists will be notified by Jan 1, 2014 and the award will be presented during the Easter period. All entrants are invited to attend the awards event at a venue and date to be notified. If you have any queries please e-mail
For queries
For submissions: The Awards Coordinator, Nigerian Christian Literature Awards, No 13, Queen Elizabeth Road, Opposite Group Medical, Mokola Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria