(Jennifer Jazz, the editor of Destructive Praise, would like to invite submissions for an anthology on Quentin Tarantino's films and how he "treats whiteness and blackness". Details below.)
Destructive Praise, a creative group committed to publishing critical work too hip for academia, is now accepting submissions for a June 2013 anthology around the films of Quentin Tarantino.
We're looking for pieces that:
- create imaginative links between Tarantino's films and those of other directors, music or visual art
- examine how he treats whiteness and blackness
- map his influences
- look at his identity as Hollywood "other"
- present fresh readings of his plots or characters
Contributors will retain all rights. We welcome queries.
The anthology will be a small paperback run that's guerrilla marketed. We can't offer advances. Writers selected, however, will receive two complimentary copies and a chance to edit our next anthology.
For queries/ submissions: destructivepraise@gmail.com
Website: http://www.destructivepraise.org/