Squirelit accepts submissions from young authors to be published here on the site. Presently, we accept only literary works in the short story genre and literary articles. Below are the general rules for submission. Please note that entries which do not adhere to these general instructions would not be published.
- You must be within the ages of 15-24.
- You must be a student, either in high school or a university.
- Your short story or articles must be original. They must not have been published either in a magazine, newspaper, paper back, blog or website that has a readership of over 1000.
- The entries must show creativity, ingenuity, good mechanical accuracy and organisation. The entries must not be biased. You are free to write in any genre- sci-fi, adventure, literary fiction, romance, travel etc.
- For short stories, you are not allowed to write more than 2500 words. Articles must not exceed 1000 words.
- All entries should be in doc format. Font type: arial. Font size: 14.
- Entries should be sent as an email with the subject ‘SS ENTRY’ for short stories and ‘AR ENTRY’ for articles. The write ups themselves are to be attached to the email.
- The body of the email should contain your name, age, institution, phone number, title of story and word count. Please note that only your story should be in the attached document, nothing else.
- All entries and queries should be sent to
- All authors would receive an email acknowledging the receipt of their entries. Eligible authors would also be notified just before publication.
- Multiple entries are allowed.
There is no specific deadline for submission of entries. Entries which are received before the 21st day of the quarterly months are eligible for the quarterly contests. The winners would be revealed on the 31st day of each quarter.(April, August, December)
Your entries are highly welcomed. Show us how good you are and we would try to promote and appreciate you.
For queries/ submissions: