The German Development Media Awards - one of Germany's longest-running and most prestigious media prizes - is now open to human rights journalists in many parts of the world. This year, the award criteria have been expanded to allow journalists from Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East and Eastern Europe, as well as Germany, to apply. This change underscores the important role that journalists in emerging countries can play in shaping development.
In many parts of the world, journalists work under demanding conditions. In remote communities, they are often lone voices trying to impart independent and impartial news and information. As well as restrictions to press freedom, many journalists also face pressure from political or interest groups and attacks for reporting on sensitive topics such as human rights violations.
The German Development Media Awards seek to honor journalists around the world who overcome these challenges and are dedicated to reporting on human rights and development issues. Six human rights prizes worth 2,000 euros each will be presented as part of the awards - one each to a journalist from Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, Eastern Europe and Germany.
As of this year, there will also be a 2,000 euro People's Choice Award open to African press photographers covering human rights in Africa.
Each winner will also be invited to Berlin to attend the awards ceremony on August 14, 2013.
The German Development Media Awards are open to journalists from Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, Eastern Europe and Germany. Entries can include stories in all journalistic formats in print, radio, TV and online. The stories should focus clearly on human rights and development. The entries must have been published or broadcast between January 1, 2012 and May 31, 2013.
The competition languages are Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Russian or Spanish. We will also accept your entry if it is in a language broadcast by Deutsche Welle. However, your entry must then include a translation in one of the seven core languages.
To be eligible for the award, you must be a journalist from Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East or Eastern Europe. You must also live in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East or Eastern Europe and work for a media organization headquartered in one of these regions. If your work is published or broadcast by a German media organization, you are also eligible to enter the award.
African photographers can enter the special People's Choice Award which honors exceptional photography on the topic Human Rights in Africa.
You may also submit a joint or team entry. However, when registering, team entries must nominate one contact person.
Deutsche Welle employees cannot participate in the competition.
We accept all forms of journalistic expression including, among others, articles and features for print and online media; news and documentary reports for television, radio and online; and multimedia projects in all types of innovative formats.
Your entry must address the topic Human Rights and Development. By definition, human rights include civil and political rights, as well as economic, social and cultural rights. Your entry must have been published or broadcast by a media organization based in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, Eastern Europe or Germany. Your entry must also have been published or broadcast for the first time during the period January 1, 2012 to May 31, 2013 inclusive.
We will accept your entry without a translation if it is in one of the following seven core languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Russian or Spanish. We will also accept your entry if it is in a language broadcast by Deutsche Welle. However, your entry must then include a translation in one of the seven core languages.
Audio and video reports cannot be longer than 15 minutes. Reports which were originally longer can be shortened to 15 minutes for submission purposes. Print articles cannot be longer than 15,000 characters. You can only submit one entry. You cannot submit any work that has been published or broadcast by Deutsche Welle.
You can register online. You will need to provide us with some information about yourself and your entry as well as upload your Curriculum Vitae (CV). At the end of the online registration, you will be able to upload your entry directly to the Deutsche Welle server.
- Video files cannot exceed 80 MB and must be in one of the following formats: mpg, mp4, mpeg, mov, avi, wmv, flv.
- Audio files cannot exceed 80 MB and must be in one of the following formats: mp3, mp2, mpg, snd, ogg, wav, muf, wma.
- Your photo file should be in high resolution and as large as possible. The minimum requirement is 300 dpi with a size of 1024 x 576 pixels. We accept .jpg and .png photo formats.
The closing date for receiving online and postal entries is May 31, 2013. We will not accept any entries which arrive after this date. Please note, entry material will not be returned regardless of its format.
The German Development Media Awards for human rights journalism consist of seven cash prizes valued at 2,000 euros each. In addition, the awards also cover the costs for each of the seven winners to attend the awards ceremony to be held August 14, 2013 in the German capital, Berlin. In the case of joint or team entries, only the person nominated by the team will be invited to the ceremony.
For queries: Barbara Gruber, Awards Management and International Relations, at
For submissions: via the online registration page