26 March 2013

For Editorial Cartoonists: Doha Centre for Media Freedom Cartoon Contest ($1,500 top prize | worldwide)

Deadline: 1 April 2013 (11:59 pm)

To mark World Press Freedom Day on May 3, Doha Centre for Media Freedom has organised its inaugural "DCMF World Press Freedom Cartoon Contest." The centre is looking forward to receiving cartoons from artists all over the world, depicting the theme of “Media Freedom.”

May 3 was declared World Press Freedom Day by the UN General Assembly In 1993, and each year it serves as a reminder of the difficulties faced by journalists and members of the media around the world.

Cartoons can often express stories, news and opinions more clearly than words, and at times of conflict, cartoonists and artists are regularly among the first to be silenced.

For World Press Freedom Day in 2013, Doha Centre for Media Freedom would like to honour the bravery and creativity of courageous cartoonists and journalists who use their work to battle against restrictions imposed on the media and society in general.

DCMF has launched its inaugural “DCMF World Press Freedom Cartoon Competition,” and looks forward to seeing how cartoonists around the world depict issues related to media freedom.

  • The theme of this competition is “Media Freedom.” The cartoons should capture any major events related to media freedom in 2012-2013. Suggested topics include censorship issues, crackdowns on media outlets and attacks against journalists, etc.
  • This competition is open to all cartoonists from all over the world. Participants must be aged 18 and over.
  • Each participant can contribute only one cartoon to the competition.
  • Any text written on the cartoon should be translated into English or Arabic.
  • Cartoons can be either black and white or in colour.
  • Only original work will be accepted.
  • All submissions must include the name, email address, telephone number and a brief biography of the cartoonist.
  • Only still cartoons will be accepted.
  • The image should be in .png. gif. Jpg or . jpeg formats only and the minimum size is 3 MB.
  • DCMF reserves the right to reuse the received work at various platforms. The organisation does not take responsibility for returning the work to its author after the competition.
  • The size of the cartoon should be at least A4; 21 by 29.2 cm; or 8.50 by 11 inches.
  • All submissions must be sent to editor@dc4mf.org by April 1st 11:59 PM AST.
  • A jury of five members, including award-winning cartoonists, will be presided over by the Director of Doha Centre for Media Freedom, Jan Keulen.
  • The decision of the jury will be final.
  1. Cash prizes of $1500, $1000 and $800 will be awarded to the three top-placed cartoons on May 3rd.
  2. Selected cartoons will be exhibited during the World Press Freedom Day celebrations.
  3. Winners will be notified via email by April 20th.

For queries/ submissions: editor@dc4mf.or

Website: http://www.dc4mf.org/


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