21 October 2010

Call for Papers: Co-operative Development in Africa: Prospects and Challenges

Deadline: 31 March 2011


Main Theme: Co-operative Development in Africa: Prospects and Challenges

Venue: MOSHI, TANZANIA Dates: 26th – 28th September 2011

1. Background Information

Co-operatives are important privately-owned, member-based organisations that foster economic and social development of all mankind globally. They cherish democratic ideals and promote human dignity in a globalized market economy. Co-operatives have been promoted in various regions and countries with support from governments, nongovernmental organizations, as well as multilateral agencies. They have gone through series of turbulences – be it political, social, economic or financial crises. The recent economic crisis brought about by financial depression is a good case to reckon. It is a well appreciated fact that co-operatives are effective mechanisms for individuals to pool together their scarce resources and skills towards realization of the economies of scale in various areas related to production, marketing, processing, logistics, finance, and technology. For instance in countries where access to financial resources have been difficult, such as in most Sub-Sahara African Countries, financial co-operatives play a significant role in organizing such services to the bulk of its members. On the other hand, marketing co-operatives have been the sole player in agricultural marketing in countries like Tanzania prior to the introduction of agricultural trade liberalization in the early 1990s.

2. International Co-operative Research Conference for Africa (ICRCA)

The International Co-operative Alliance (ICA) has a thematic Committee on Co-operative Research (ICA-CCR), which coordinates the link between academic research and the cooperative world. The ICA-CCR aims at making research on co-operatives more accessible and relevant to the co-operative movements. The ICA–CCR does this by organizing research conferences at global and regional levels. Thus, the International Co-operative Research Conference (ICRC) is a common event organized by the ICA Research Committee annually with varied themes. The Moshi University College of Co-operative and Business Studies (MUCCoBS), which is an Associate Member of ICA, in collaboration with other stakeholders is organizing such an International Co-operative Research Conference for Africa (ICRCA). Other ICA Regional blocs – Europe, Asia, and the Americas have been organising such conferences for years now. Inspired by the initiatives of these other blocs, the MUCCoBS has decided to organize an African Conference as a way of making its humble contribution to co-operative development in the continent.

Co-operatives in Africa are currently faced with a complex set of challenges brought about by the economic, social and political changes resulting from democratization, globalization, decentralization, economic structural adjustments and environmental changes specifically climate change. The effects of these changes are diverse and vary from country to country. However, at the same time there are opportunities for innovation and growth for the co-operatives. This conference, will therefore address, among others, these developmental issues pertaining to co-operative development in Africa.

3. Conference Objectives

The overall objective of the conference is to provide a forum for practitioners, professionals and policy makers to share ideas and experiences in the contemporary cooperative development processes in Africa and strategize on the way forward for the African cooperatives.

4. Conference Sub-themes

The main theme of the conference is subdivided into four sub-themes as follows:

i. Marketing and Production in Co-operatives,
ii. Co-operatives and Financial Services,
iii. Co-operative Governance, and
iv. Co-operatives and Climate Change

Interested researchers are cordially invited to write on any topic provided it falls in line
with one of the above sub-themes. It is expected that about 20 presentations will be made
at this conference based on the four sub-themes.

5. Submission of Abstracts and Full Papers

Potential writers are invited to submit abstracts of their intended presentations/research
papers by March 31st, 2011. Submission of full papers is by July 31st, 2011.

6. Participants

The participants are expected to come from various organizations representing the cooperative movement across Africa and the hosts Tanzanians, government ministries, research and academic institutions, development partners, and non-governmental organizations. Others are from multilateral organisations such as ILO, IFAD, etc, and financial institutions. This advert is also available at www.muccobs.ac.tz

7. Contact

For all communication purposes, please write to:
Organizing Committee,
International Co-operative Research Conference for Africa (ICRCA),
Moshi University College of Co-operative and Business Studies,
Sokoine Road, P. O. Box 474, MOSHI. Tanzania.
E- mail: icrca@muccobs.ac.tz

More information here.


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