21 October 2010

Call for Papers: Gender, Science, Technology and Socio-economic Development: Africa and the Diaspora

Deadline: 14 January 2011

The New York State African Studies Association (NYASA) will hold its 2011 Annual Meeting on March 25-26, 2011 at the State University of New York / SUNY at Oneonta. In light of the profound changes in recent decades and the serious challenges facing African & diasporic communities regarding the intersections of gender, science, technology, and socio-economic development, the Annual Meeting will examine this general theme and its variations. Gender shall be conceptualized in the broadest possible ways , including not only women, men and transgendered individuals, but also any other categories that we may not habitually recognize as gendered. We assume that gender, science, technology, and development meet in interesting ways and ask participants to query these connections and ask how science, technology and ideas of development are changing conceptions of gender and vice versa.

The AFRICANA & LATINO STUDIES, Women's & Gender Studies and Philosophy Departments, the hosts of the 2011 annual meeting of NYASA, hereby invite abstracts of papers, proposals for presentations, panels and roundtables on the above theme and its variations such as the following: which seek to address the wider theme of the conference including:

1. In what way are science, technology, and development gendered?
2. How is technology changing lives? Does it help release or restrain imaginations and epistemes
3. How do gendered visions of our worlds, our futures are intersect with science and technology, and thus used to interpret gender and development in constructing lives?

Papers, Presentations, and Panels are Invited from the Following Areas:

* Gender and Development
* Gender and Science
* Gender and Human Rights
* Critiques of GMOs
* Politics of NGOfication
* The Gender Presence in Politics
* Art, Technology and Gender Representations
* Information Technology: computers and the internet
* New finance (microfinance, loans and investments) impact on Africa and Diaspora
* Greening Africa & Greening Africa-America (e.g., Detroit. Nairobi)
* Education, gender, technology or science and development
* Science innovations and testing in Africa
* Gender and Technology
* Gender, Religion and Science
* Gender and Medicine
* The politics of development
* Gender and Eco-Politics
* New technology and cultural workers
* Music, the Arts and Capacity Building
* Gender, Democracy and Civil Society Organizations
* Africa and innovations, new science, new technology
* Science & Technology as tools of globalization
* African innovations and the challenges of neoliberal capitalism
* Innovations, localization and limits of self reliance

Other topics for papers will also be considered as are proposal to organize panels and promote student participation. PLEASE SEND ABSTRACTS of papers and panels of not more than 150 words by January 14, 2011 to the Local Organizing Committee at nyasa11@oneonta.edu. Please indicate, if you could, which sub-theme best fits your topic, and specify if you would need media resources (e.g., powerpoint) for your presentation.

The local organizing committee will notify those who have submitted successful proposals by Jan 25, 2011. For general updates please visit the website of the conference at http://nyasa.oneonta.edu or http://www.nyasa.org

NYASA 11 Organizing Committee
Africana & Latino Studies Department
SUNY Oneonta
Oneonta, NY 13820
E-mail: nyasa11@oneonta.edu
Tel: (607) 436-3449
Fax: (607) 436-2653

More information here.


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