16 December 2010

Call for Papers: AfricaAdapt Climate Change Symposium 2011

Deadline: 3 January 2011

Call for papers

AfricaAdapt Climate Change Symposium 2011

Linking Climate Research, Policy and Practice for African-led Development

9-11 March 2011, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

This three-day bilingual (French/English) symposium is a landmark event focusing on evolving approaches, tools, methods and philosophies addressing the links between increasing climate change and variability in Africa and sustainable development. It will feature keynote speakers from across the continent, and also provide a space for creative new exchanges and collaboration between African research, media, policy, and community practitioners. This is an opportunity to share your knowledge and experience of this important subject and work with others to help make a difference.

Symposium Objectives:

1. To provide a forum for exploring and promoting the latest and best in applied research on climate change adaptation and development in Africa.
2. To create a space for engagement between African research, practitioner and policy communities of practice.
3. To provide African media with opportunities to interact with these communities of practice so they can better communicate efforts being made to address climate change in Africa, and so they can articulate local concerns and priorities.

The AfricaAdapt Knowledge Sharing Network has a mission to encourage research, dissemination and sharing of knowledge on climate change in Africa, and on the ways in which Africa can encourage climate compatible development. To this end AfricaAdapt is issuing a call for papers highlighting new research and community engagement on adaptation and low carbon development in Africa.

Themes to be explored include:

 Links between adaptation, mitigation and low carbon, or “climate compatible” development
 Roles of local and indigenous knowledge in addressing climate change
 New thinking on community-led responses: From local to global
 The roles of media and intermediaries in translating, sharing, and advocating
 National and international policy: Linking policy and practice

The symposium is focused on Africa and we especially encourage submissions from African researchers, community based organisations, advocacy groups, and media. If your topic does not fit precisely into one of the themes above, it may still be considered if relevant to the overall subject area of the Symposium. In addition to formal papers, we are very interested to hear from policy and decision makers, donors, researchers, NGOs and community representatives who have knowledge and experiences to share that engage the symposium’s objectives and mission.

The deadline for submitting proposals for Symposium consideration is January 3rd 2011. Proposals should be submitted as an abstract – maximum 300 words. A committee comprised of members from the symposium sponsors will assess submissions and draw up a shortlist for extended proposals. Please e-mail abstracts and/or questions by e-mail to: symposium@africa-adapt.net. Full details can be found at www.adaptation2011.com and www.africa-adapt.net.
Limited funding is available to cover full and/or partial costs of attending this symposium.

More information here.


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