02 March 2011

Call for Books by African American Authors: Coretta Scott King Book Awards 2012

Deadline: 1 December 2011

Book Submission Information and Directions

* Review the Eligibility and Exclusions of the Selection Process before submitting titles

1. Send three (3) copies of each title to the ALA Office for Literacy and Outreach Services. Include one for each submitted title (check back for updated form).
2. Send one copy of each title to each of the CSK Book Awards Jury members.
3. Titles submitted for the Coretta Scott King Book Awards will not be returned. Titles received by the OLOS office are donated as part of The Coretta Scott King Book Donation Grant.
4. Books must be received by December 1, 2011 to be considered for the 2012 award.

The Coretta Scott King Book Awards for Authors and Illustrators


To encourage the artistic expression of the African American experience via literature and the graphic arts, including biographical, historical and social history treatments by African American authors and illustrators.

Selection Criteria

The Award is given to an African American author and illustrator for outstanding inspirational and educational contributions. The Coretta Scott King Book Award titles promote understanding and appreciation of the culture of all peoples and their contribution to the realization of the American dream of a pluralistic society.

The Award is further designed to commemorate the life and works of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and to honor Mrs. Coretta Scott King for her courage and determination to continue the work for peace and world brotherhood.

The Criteria of the award is as follows:

1. Must portray some aspect of the black experience, past, present, or future.
2. Must be written/illustrated by an African American
3. Must be published in the U.S. in the year preceding presentation of the Award.
4. Must be an original work
5. Must meet established standards of quality writing for youth which include:
* Clear plot
* Well drawn characters, which portray growth and development during the course of the story.
* Writing style which is consistent with and suitable to the age intended
* Accuracy
6. Must be written for a youth audience in one of three categories:
* Preschool-grade 4
* Grades 5-8
* Grades 9-12
7. Particular attention will be paid to titles which seek to motivate readers to develop their own attitudes and behaviors as well as comprehend their personal duty and responsibility as citizens in a pluralistic society.
8. Illustrations should reflect established qualitative standards identified in the statement below:

Illustrations should... “heighten and extend the readers' awareness of the world around him. They should lead him to an appreciation of beauty. The style and content of the illustrations should be...niether coy nor condescending...Storytelling qualities should enlarge upon the story elements that were hinted in the text and should include details that will awaken and strength the imagination of the reader and permit him to interpret the words and pictures in a manner unique to him”

--Cianciolo, Illustrations in Children's Books (p. 24-25)

Eligibility and Exclusions

1. Author or illustrator must live in the U.S. or maintain dual residency/citizenship.
2. Book must be published in the year preceding the year the award is given, evidenced by the copyright date printed in the book.
3. Only finished copies will be accepted. Do not send advance reader copies, galleys, etc.
4. Titles submitted for the Coretta Scott King Book Awards will not be returned. Titles received by the OLOS office are donated as part of The Coretta Scott King Review Books Donation Grant

Further Information

Contact Elliot Mandel, OLOS Program Coordinator if you have questions.

ALA Office for Literacy & Outreach Services
50 E. Huron St.
Chicago, IL 60611

More information here.


IMPORTANT: Do not respond to the job ad if (a) it charges fees for registration or access to listings, trainings or other materials; (b) you are redirected to dubious or domain-flipping websites; or (c) you are subjected to take lengthy unpaid tests/trial assignments or required to submit long-form samples on very specific topics or following a very specific editorial style. Help keep this job board scam-free by reporting a scam listing to contact@writejobs.info; we will then include a warning in the post.