14 October 2010

Paying Market: African Vibes/ Best New African Poet Prize

African Vibes Magazine does not accept unsolicited poetry, fiction or drama. Writers of poetry are encouraged to enter our upcoming poetry contest for Best New African Poet Prize. For updates on these contests, please send an email to contest@africanvibes.com


We welcome queries from inexperienced writers, but particular care should be taken with these proposals: much of what is rejected is a result of poor execution and/or inappropriate story ideas.

African Vibes Magazine is not interested in stories that have been widely covered in the mainstream media unless the writer has developed a genuinely original angle—a challenge to the mainstream’s coverage. This Magazine publishes only six issues per year; stories must not be so time-sensitive that they will seem dated six months in the future. Our schedule means that we are best able to provide in-depth analysis of issues and strong people-oriented reportage—as opposed to responses to fast-moving news stories.

Promising queries are discussed by the editorial board. If a proposal is accepted, the writer will be contacted by the editor. Please allow six to eight weeks for a response. Unsolicited manuscripts (completed articles) must be accompanied by a query letter. African Vibes Magazine is not responsible for loss or damage to unsolicited submissions. Please do not send originals.

To submit your ideas, please write a query letter that includes the following:

* Send a well fleshed out proposal with an outline. Be sure to tell us what is new or fresh about your idea
* Send writing samples, if you have them
* Specify the section of the magazine for which the piece is intended
* Convey your specific qualifications to write on this topic
* Specify the proposed story length
* Include possible experts (if it is a reported piece) and what access you have to them
* Provide an explanation of why this idea would appeal to the African Vibes reader.

Query letters for specific features and departments should be no more than one page in length and accompanied by recent writing samples ( Your samples should not include the actual story that you are proposing).

Features and departments cover the following categories:

* Arts and Entertainment: Music, Movies, Books, Theater and the web
* Fashion and Beauty: tips, trends and news pieces
* Finance: investments, legal matters, and work issues
* Health and Fitness: tips, trends, studies and guides
* Travel: travel to Africa
* Home: tips and guides
* Relationship: practical information and advice
* General interest: new thinking, research, information on timely topics, trends
* Profiles or first-person accounts of people who have made a dramatic change in their lives or the lives of others
* Culture: culture essay, trends, studies and guides
* Reflection: first person essay on a personal experience

SPECIAL SECTION: The departments below do not require a query or writing sample.

* *We Like Your Style: Submit 4 pictures of yourself that reflect your style
* *Cuisine: Submit your recipe with 4 pictures
* *Question of the Issue: Submit your response with the Question as your subject

Note: We do not print articles that have been previously published. We also do not accept queries that do not meet our writer’s guidelines. All submissions must be sent via email to editor@africanvibes.com


Once your proposal has been accepted and your article written, please keep in mind that there will likely be more work to do. Additional research and editing are normal parts of the editorial process, and every African Vibes Magazine article will undergo several complete edits. For substantial alterations, stories will be returned to writers for revisions or rewrites. If time is short, changes will occur after telephone or face-to-face consultation. However, last-minute cuts without notification may be necessary because of space limitations.


Our pay depends on a number of varying factors such as length, research involved, etc. Payment will be discussed at time of assignment and upon publication. Payment assumes African Vibes holds non-exclusive first North American rights and electronic rights. Unless otherwise agreed upon the story is exclusive to African Vibes. Checks are mailed to writers along with a copy of the issue in which their article appears. Some writers prefer to write as contributors without a cash compensation. Such writers are listed with a mini bio in our contributors section.

More information here.


IMPORTANT: Do not respond to the job ad if (a) it charges fees for registration or access to listings, trainings or other materials; (b) you are redirected to dubious or domain-flipping websites; or (c) you are subjected to take lengthy unpaid tests/trial assignments or required to submit long-form samples on very specific topics or following a very specific editorial style. Help keep this job board scam-free by reporting a scam listing to contact@writejobs.info; we will then include a warning in the post.